Keep in mind, in this ridiculous fantasy, the military are on the right-wing radicals' side.

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So Wonket is finally accepting comments!

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Didn't W also say that it would be easier if America was a dictatorship and he was the dictator? I seem to recall him making such a statement.

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Well played sir, I take my virtual hat off to you. I guffawed out loud.

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make sure you share it with Dok, he deserves a stroke or two

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... mmm-hmmm. Methinks he doth protest too much. Deciding where you fall on the dumb and dumber scale is your problem. I posted several somethings with which a smart person would want to familiarize himself... starting with my original comment. Were one to do that, one would realize that I happen to be right about a thing or two. Is that what's got your panties in a wad? Or should I be questioning your motives for going on a tirade rather than reading what I originally wrote? If your libertarian pal falls into the "one of us" category, then clearly I'm not one of you:) AND you're already well on your way in proving my prediction correct.

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I'm not looking forward to the banhammer, but there is no question that libertaryans are awful, awful people.

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LOL. "McCarthyism"... let's just say that I'm extremely particular about the company I keep and I won't keeping company with the likes of this, which happens to BE what Libertarianism is:

"Ron Paul's Neo-Confederate "South Was Right" Civil War Speech With Confederate Flag"https://www.youtube.com/wat...

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He didn't protest, nitwit, I did. Enjoy your banning, don't say I didn't warn you. Oh, and you might want to get that ego checked- the one thing I've noticed about every single one of the fools who gets themselves banned is that they are convinced that they are smarter than the rest of us- so far every one of them has been wrong- you're in for a big surprise when you realize you're not, either. By tomorrow you'll be a little notation that says comment deleted. Sad thing is, some of the general points you raised are legit, too bad you're so full of yourself that you utterly failed to notice that many others are already talking about those issues and are expressing the very same concerns- see ya kid, good luck storming the castle.

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Use the Dunham tickets, pal. We'll manage to survive your absence.And what's this with inviting a hammer-drop? Were you born with a chip on your shoulder?

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I think the Wonketteria would agree with that assessment, Steb. En masse.

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Say goodnight, Gracie- this one is done- another one too dumb to realize they don't know everything

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if you think that sw19womble or any of the rest of us are Paultards, you are A IDIOT. The end

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What Mayor Quimby said, Yellerdog. I'm always glad to hear from a Texan whose a Yellerdog and not a Bluedog. I know folks in Austin, and I feel your pain.

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Let's just say I wasn't born yesterday... not to mention, this won't be the first comment section to go to the dogs. Today is Feb. 22, 2015. Mark it on your calendar:) We could start a betting pool on how long it lasts:) I might have to shorten my original prediction from two months to one (if that). In any case, one can still read Wonkette and skip reading the comments. Problem solved.

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