"We learned more about the history of the Holocaust through refuting deniers than we ever did in school..."

So True, Dok, so true for everything, really. I've learned more about evolution, global climate conditions, reproduction and health, and vaccinations thanks to the nimrods and jim-bobs that cypher on the innernets, then I did in all of HS or college. So, I guess every species no matter how gross, smelly, or unintelligent DOES have a purpose.

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Snark and sarcasm are not substitutes for arguments? You must be new around here.

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Jesus H. Christ!

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Karl Rove?

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In addition, the deniers besmirch the heroism of the Americans who liberated the prioners from the death camps. I require myself to re-read " The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and "Mein Kampf" every five years. I am so afraid that 50 years from now the deniers will succeed in their propaganda.

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Excepting those who hid out in South America.

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I went to Texas once, to attend a wedding. (Almost forgot. I've changed planes at Houston International many times. Always have to run to catch flights.) Hated it. Hope never to return. And I live in Alabama. That shows you how bad Texas is.

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OMG! At the low end estimation of how many Jewish people were obliterated by the Nazis, we're talking the equivalent of the entire Palm Beach County of Florida. Imagine, if you will, a nuclear bomb explosion on the Southeast coast of Florida and no one surviving - except that they all happened to be the same race and that's why they were targeted.

We understand that casualty estimates vary in the time after a tragic event- sometimes wildly, until the dust settles. But we're going on 60+ years! The only fucktards arguing numbers at this point have spurious motive.

If you're not impressed by the fact that a million to a million and a half people died at ONE camp, then what the fuck difference does it make what the number is? As long as these deniers weren't actually one of the people IN THE CAMPS, then the horror inflicted is moot.

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Jesus, I read

"Snark and sarcasm are not substitutes for GARMENTS." This changes everything really. Two glasses of wine apparently makes me dyslexic and makes you more entertaining. Fair trade.

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Been there! I lost my cars keys in there!

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David Cole is a revisionist. There's a big difference between correcting errors and saying something never happened. He is however a 9/11 denier and a Zionist. Great guy though

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Cindy Lou Who?

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I hope she picked them up out of the cellophane. My mukluks might scorch.

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Holocaust denier, holocaust revisionist-- who gives a damn? What he is, is a HISTORIAN, a historian with enough balls to challenge the ultimate sacred cow, the untouchable holocaust, which just maybe might have been a little exaggerated in the service of war-time propaganda. Certain powerful segments of society and the media especially regard the holocaust with quasi-religious faith, and anyone who dares to dig into it is a special kind of satan. Fuck all that--history has no regard for political correctness, and his evidence is absolutely irrefutable. He has done more first hand research on the topic than any of those who seek to refute him, and his evidence speaks for itself. Before reflexively reacting like he's some kind of monster violating the graves of the many Jews killed by Nazi Germany, how about actually reading what he has to say about the subject, as published recently in an appendix to his autobiography Republican Party Animal? He does more honor to those graves by seeking the truth than the whole herd of the non-thinking faithful with their rigid adherence to orthodoxy.

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We don't need a time Machine. We need a Buzz version of the US infantry. Or any of the allied infantries for that matter, I ain't picky.

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And yet, Alex Jones can afford a housecleaner and I can barely afford groceries, Who's crazy?

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