It's rough. Barking orders all day?

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<i>Dont we have any White Americans for these jobs, as they appear to be infiltrating govt</i>

Yes, them White Devils DO seem to be infiltrating government, as well as our police. When will this senseless bigotry against Whitey end?

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Your sheets must be an awful mess.

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you say that now, but just you wait until an asteroid comes barreling towards earth...

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Mentioning it is one thing. Having to wedge that fact into every conversation as a badge of cultural superiority is quite another.

See also: a certain type of ex smoker. I've never smoked cigarettes in my life, but even I find myself getting annoyed with that certain condescending, self righteous ex who feels the need to brow beat every single current smoker he meets.

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depends who you ask (or what mood Bob was in any given night)

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My home is my castle, so yes.

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And shot Archduke Ferdinand.

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<i> a moon mission</i>

only if you ask her first, they get really crabby if you just assume and flip 'em over

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it's like people who don't own TeeVees

the ones that have to tell you about it usually are...

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New from Kelloggs- Sugar Frosted Lard

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And advised the Jacobins to purge the Girondists, purify the new government and eliminate the threat of counter-revolution.

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Fucking hobgoblins.

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Well, okay. Context is pretty much everything. I just tend to be a little twitchy about the argument from authority because it's so easy for me to use it (not that <i>I'm</i> the authority -- there are centuries of authorities available to cite; it's hard to resist).

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Biff, when are you coming to Groveland?

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Oh, burn.

Actually, I have a teevee, but none cable or dish. I mention it from time to time because I've not seen certain stuff being discussed. I don't think I'm an asshole, but then again, that is an opinion that has to come from others.

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