Two goats is better than one - or so my grandma used to say.

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"it was still early on enough that some people were still comfortably in denial. Or just idiots." Uh, I think I'll go with the latter.

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Keeps me laughing!

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Minor quibble: "oxygen thief" is military slang for someone completely useless, as in all he does is consume oxygen. So he doesn't really want you dead; just thinks you're useless. Don't you feel all better now? Seriously, it's not a threat, even a veiled one.

BTW, I lean conservative on many issues, but I pop over here every so often because you people are hilarious. Not meant sarcastically - you are a hoot.

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God is my co-pilot, but Pontius is my pilot.

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Pfft . . . that's just a banana in his pocket.

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But apparently he was fluent in it.

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It seems like a common condition, as it was shared by another, sadly non-deleted and thus overlooked, dimwit who signed off on all his comments with "Semper Fi."

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He's just jealous that the ponies obviously like you better than him.

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How about left-handed scissors, kitchen knives, and adjustable wrenches for starters? If anyone hasn't done so yet, I suggest that they try using a pair of those molded-handle "ergonomic" scissors with their left hand. Talk about pain. "Ergonomics" in common tools and utensils is a righty privilege.*

_________________________________________________* Only half-serious here, but still ...

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...Le sigh. Sometimes I fear that we've reached Peak Derp.

And then, I think better of it and fear that we HAVEN'T.

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The 3rd Amendment prohibits the quartering of military forces, which is why the US Marine Corps is a smaller service branch than the Army, Navy and Air Force.

/ !rimshot! ~~~tisssshhh~~~

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Milord, may I remind my learned friend that the white men went into considerable trouble bring the "Lord's word" to the "Dark continent" which was practising way more interesting animistic beliefs before those sourpusses arrived with their Bibles.

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So true. Every time I think the TeaThugs have reached bottom (see them making excuses for the Duggar child molester), they go ahead and prove me wrong over and over again.

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I believe one guy said "I only went to school with him, I didn't even know him, please stop asking me about him" My guess is that's how they were connected. I don't think the commenter understands that being connected to someone on Facebook is not the same thing as actually being friends with someone.

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