Hot yoga... with the obligatory side of Satan yoga, of course.

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i spent 5 years doing a comparative religious study, looking for god. they have a few things in common,1) their deity, be it him, her, it, or they, are real, and created everything you see for their followers.2) do as the people who claim to represent me say. 3) sacrifice of yourself onto them, land, money, labor or lives, human, and animal. most call for us to be nice to other members, the rest of the population, not so much. only the ones that practiced conversion stressed being good to all humanity.

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-1 intelligence per turn equipped until it is 50%.

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"most call for us to be nice to other members, the rest of the population, not so much."Maybe that was my Methodist upbringing, we're taught to be good to EVERYONE because, well we think you're just supposed to be.

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christianity is a conversion religion. as well as islam. you need to be nice to prospective converts.

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My own approach is that if there is an afterlife "God, you made me very logical and focused on evidence and there just wasn't that much evidence for you...so it's your own fault, really"

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Most of us are decent enough. A lot of us do clothing/food drives, Habitat for Humanity, disaster aid etc (ET CETERA, ET CETERA!{couldn't resist}). But the bad ones have the loudest mouths, and unfortunately the amount of damage they do far is disproportionate to their percentage of our numbers in general. Those are the ones we don't welcome with 'Open Doors, Open Hearts'. Fuck those guys.

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Your crazy uncle is a Duggar? That's putting me way too close to them on the "six degrees of separation" scale.

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... and great under pressure.

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Can you leave this family alone. They are Christians.

So, Republicans will leave the Obama family alone because they are Christians?


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'What ever happened to “if it saves one life it’s worth trying”?'

Why stop with stickers? Why not litter the floor into the school with banana peels and then the shooter will fall down on his way inside the building!

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If you think about it, even to a fundie that's the way it was. The Devil's punishment in hell is because of his rebellion against God. The Devil tempted humanity, humanity CHOSE to disobey God, ergo, pain, suffering and misery are humanity's fault.

If the Devil had been at fault for the temptation of humanity, wouldn't there have been additional punishment for that act?

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Now they claim the Crusaders found WMD's, or some shit.

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If Cutler wins, the only explanation is that he sold his soul.

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I equip with the Godly Dagger of Conservativism: +3 Constitution, - 3 Intelligence

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I will now concede that Donna Rose is one of the two cutest babbies in the world (Please don't make me choose between D.R. and the kid of two of my favorite students.) The grandged is now officially a toddler and the the cutest holy terror in world.

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