Well my understanding of the situation might be limited by my non-trivial geographic, cultural and economic isolation. I am constantly tripping over and being reminded of that fact as I read the articles and comments here at this little mommyblog. Anyway it didn't seem to me that any evidence pointing to the proposed invasion's certain fiasco was so clear-cut at the time. It's easy to look back now and find things that foretold what would happen, because now it's history -- we do know how the whole thing played out. From our vantage point in 2014 we can easily connect the dots because now we know what the whole picture looks like. That wasn't really possible in 2002-2003 in part because the whole picture hadn't even been created yet. For instance, prior to the initiation of hostilities could it have been foreseen that Bush would appoint Paul Bremer as post-invasion administrator of the Coalition Provisional Authority, and that Bremer would so spectacularly bungle the job? Yes we can easily see some of the seeds of the fiasco in that decision now, but with the possible (albeit far-fetched) exception of people in the Bush inner circle, could anyone have predicted that very development in late 2002?

If we are going to pursue a Great Purge of all the Democrats who failed to foresee the 10-year disaster that the Iraq invasion would degenerate into then we might as well disband the party because there won't be much of it left. And don't plan on replacing them with new members from the public because you won't find very many out there with the required clairvoyance either. The view of Operation Enduring Freedom that is very widely held in 2014 was only held by a very small minority of people nationwide back on the eve of the invasion. If we are going to point fingers then our first target should perhaps be the reflection we see in the mirror.

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We could scour the party ranks until we found a suitable seer to support, but then we would have to hope that whoever we found would actually be a good leader and be electable. We could definitely do that. But perhaps the more realistic and productive way of approaching it would be to look at who concluded that the whole thing was a mistake and wanted to pull the plug on it, and when it was that they reached that conclusion: 2004? 2006? 2011? We shouldn't have left; let's go back in (aka the McCain-Graham delusion)?

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Only three of them actually flew into buildings, so plus one half point to ra44mr2 for accuracy, minus several million for argumentation.

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Besides, if there were to be any kind of a point there, wouldn't there have to be a complete absence of up fixable cars (the scrapyards our mechanic raids for cannibalized parts say there is no such absence), and also a lack of new faults (the need for such cannibalization says there is no such lack)?

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Time for Logan's run- or amble a this point...

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Tom got screwed over when it came time for the movies

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closest I ever got was a couple of magic carpet rides from back in my misspent youth...

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I saw plenty of drunken white kids on north Water street when I was there a couple months ago- seriously white, you guys don't get out in the sun much...

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Massacres? There are massacres, right here in America? WHY doesn't the media ever REPORT THIS???!!!????

Oh, wait...

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or the French I took

Damn! Out of sequence.

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Hey, what's wrong with using some succinct earthy terms that the language inherited from its Germanic origins? When did that become a sin? I mean, Jeezus Christ, It's not like he's taking the Lord's goddamn name in vain now, is he?

Which commandment requires all of us to use only genteel, Latin-based terms in our emails, hennnggggg? Well OK fine. Let's rephrase Mehmeisterjr's perfectly-worded comment above. Here you go:

"Fornicating true, but you have to agree that intercoursing 90% of coitusing Christians don't know fornicating excreta about the Vulgate Bible. It's a coitusing fact."

There. I hope everyone is happy now. But if you ask me, the Bowdlerized version here isn't anywhere near as good as the original.

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First demon, den de otter mon.

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Do devil spirits exist? At first glance, it's not so clear cut that they don't. I mean, there are phenomena like Dead Breitbart's Ghost and James O'Keefe... but naw, even Satan wouldn't stoop <i>that</i> low.

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That's the red print?

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Don't get me started about Creed.

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Intercourse the fucking penguin.

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