"Where's the apple-less apple pie? This is the lamest depression EVAR"

I love that pie. it was made with Ritz crackers.

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Once when we were ordering desert at a restaurant, my grandfather was thinking about getting the Indian Pudding. He looked at the waitress and asked if the Indians were fresh. Not missing a beat, the waitress said yes...but very polite too.

Laughed...oh my how we laughed.

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Eat three helpings of Larry Craig a day? No thanks.

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Is it gauche to tuck the diaper into your collar?

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Same rule for women married to Repubicans.

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That woman sweats butter.

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You'd sweat butter too, if you <a href="http:\/\/video.google.com\/videoplay\?docid=-2901084295223664703#" target="_blank"> fried a cheesecake</a> and then topped it with whipped cream.

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Chicken actually boiled ham. (See "Cheap Chicken" recipe.)

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Looks like cocktail hour's started early today at the Layne Desert Compound!

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"A chicken in every pot!" (Pot <i>not</i> included.)

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<i>Syllabub: Grate nutmeg into sweetened cider; milk a cow into the liquor ...</i>

Ken's right; these aren't so much recipes as elaborate masturbation rituals.

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my beloved wonketteers:

i think you are the wittiest community of intelligent, thoughtful people whose insights i follow with great delight.

however, i will not be reading the comments on this post.

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How to make a super tuber! You are welcome. <a href="http:\/\/www.foodgoat.com\/2007\/08\/idaho-udaho-actually-its-senator.html" target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.foodgoat.com/2007/08/idaho-udaho-actua...">http://www.foodgoat.com/200...

Please note that this takes a least one gallon of some kind of lubricant like olive oil.

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You say it like there is something wrong with that.

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Right after the Oxycontin Ox Tails.

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