To my fellow Democrats, this is the time to pour on the gas!

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I wouldn't set foot in the place, myself.

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Only in the back, by the kitchen, where you can hear the waitstaff fighting with the cooks.

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It was a joint effort -- you inspired me! :D

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“The only measure of corruption is corruption. If you can't show evidence of Democrats voting against the common good because of donations, then you've got no evidence of corruption, just a lot of brain-damaged finger-pointing about purity.”


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You other brothers cannot deny

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"Is it possible that accepting corporate donations does indeed corrupt some Dems?"

The only measure of corruption is corruption. If you can't show evidence of Democrats voting against the common good because of donations, then you've got no evidence of corruption, just a lot of brain-damaged finger-pointing about purity.

"Because that is a separate question from the question of whether or not it was smart to decide to not support Hillary when she was up against Trump."

Twelve percent of Bernie primary voters ended up voting for Trump, and they were enough to flip those three states several times over. So the people who were dogshit stupid enough to believe Bernie about Hillary's so-called "corruption" matter.

"Ditto the question of how much of the negative news about Sanders people have swallowed came from disinformation campaigns."

Anyone who had to deal with Bernie's diseased horde knows that the reputation was at least partially earned. Or were there some very fine people among the Nevada Death Threaters? Bernie's base did damn little to denounce them, and Lord knows Bernie himself could barely bring himself to concede that death threats are bad.

Not every Bernie supporter was a problem, but goddamn if far too many were dedicated to the destruction of Hillary and the Democratic Party.

"If people here want to believe themselves smarter than RWNJ’s they need to stop grabbing at the low hanging fruit when it comes to the blame game."

We all hold that the Republicans need to clean house if they are to not be shit, and the evangelical church needs to clean house if they are to not be shit. The same applies to us, which is why I am in favor of cleaning house. We don't do that by denying how much harm the backstabbers on the Left caused. The Bernie-to-Trump voters would have been enough to put Hillary in the White House; the Stein voters would have been enough as well. It's bad enough that the Right engaged in a dedicated campaign against Hillary, but when she was getting it from her own side too ... well, we need to do something about those people. They're not "low hanging fruit", they're "the Republicans' secret weapon".

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It’s a lot of frightening somethings.

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Come on folks - we can disagree on points but there is no need to be nasty to each other (unless they are trolls which Mehmeisterjr is not).

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Is it possible that accepting corporate donations does indeed corrupt some Dems? And possibly even helps sway Dem policies in a way that helps those corporate donors?

Because that is a separate question from the question of whether or not it was smart to decide to not support Hillary when she was up against Trump.

Also a separate question is whether or not third party candidates should run.

Ditto the question of how much of the negative news about Sanders people have swallowed came from disinformation campaigns.

If people here want to believe themselves smarter than RWNJ’s they need to stop grabbing at the low hanging fruit when it comes to the blame game.

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Calm the fuck down there kiddie. I don't know your mom, but I doubt she's attractive enough for an entire mob to want to fuck her. Also too, https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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The torches make him feel both protected, and in control. Such a dangerous combination for the rest of us.

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The theme song gets better if you alternate between alternate between the semi-Finnish and English lines:

Morphine makes the holy known, here in DuckburgEyein' up down that sappy noun, it's a duck blurI'm going to stroke it, or rewrite historyUncut! Ohh-ohh!

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DAMMIT! That was the correct form of the joke. You know how you have the concept for a joke in mind, and you can't really get the wording right but then someone else does and you kick yourself for not having figured it out yourself ... ? That.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with with Mike Cernovich's mom, and it's nearly my turn.

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