The veterinarians would put them all down. With votes.

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So basically Democrats are starting to not give a fuck anymore? I hope they keep it up, because I am totally down with them using the next two (we hope!) years flubbing the GOP with delightful sarcasm.

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Yep, never had a taco bowl in my life.

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I like turtles. McConnell is an evil impostor.

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They love to fuck with DC just to score points at home, which is why DC is pushing hard to be made a state so that Congress will leave them the fuck alone. Another DC law they fucked with for years before it finally was left alone was DC wanted to allow a needle exchange program, but Congress kept blocking the law and then blocking funding for the program.

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Right. the same loving, charitable ladies who turned out to block the roads when buses filled with Central American women and children turned up in their town to be temporarily housed. "not our kids, not our problem" was the chant. charming.

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Vetting and rules are only necessary when we are talking about the black guy's appointments. Who needs to vet a good old boy real American?

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A spokeswoman for Inhofe later told the Huffington Post that he did not mean to indicate support for treating Trump’s nominees differently. What he meant was "treating a white president's nominees differently".

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I would have become a Radical Islamic Terrorist© except I objected to paying the royalties and usage fees.

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didn't he take a principled stand against/for/against/for/against/for trump?

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Sad but true. Someone pointed out on Twitter the other day that calling it ACA instead of Obamacare to make it more palatable is a subtle racism. I guess so, but rebranding is a thing, and if it saves the program, isn't it worth it? I am conflicted.

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And my advice is that even though fucking a feral Republican with a notched ear (indicating s/he's been sterilized) wont leave you pregnant, you'll have to under go a two bath a day regime to get all the slimy grease off.

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Hey we only care about back ground checks when it's advantageous for Republicans to have them.

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This is the best, and no doubt will need to be used again and again.

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To be truly sporting (and save on the cost of heating it up), I steal those trailers from roofers.

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And by "more fair" they mean "more white," am I right?

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