Oh come on now. I think corruption is a requirement to being a Florida politician (This is the same place where Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and Alcee Hastings can hold seats with nary a backwards glance after all.)

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I kinda want to, and I kinda don't...I had a close relative almost lose herself in Crystal Meth.

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"Plus if he is guilty of the Cayman Island stuff, he's a huge hypocrite, and cheat. Why would anyone listen to him talk about income inequality, and trade deals when the dude is part of shielding taxes for people, and making money off of it?

So to be fair to Harry (and the Party), in this case there are pretty big issues that would make this particular guy unelectable for a Senate run."

Hold on for a minute I need a glass of water to stiffle the giggles.

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But what happens if you're talking about the Individual Kirby Delauter? If you're talking about the Individual when you say Kirby Delauter's name, does the Agent of Kirby Delauter or the Settler of Kirby Delauter come to your house from Kirby Delauter's house to make you stop saying Kirby Delauter's name?

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Totally understand. Maybe you shouldn't. But I can heartily recommend Better Call Saul, its prequel, NOT about meth, but a Shakespearean tale about how the lawyer from BB came to be who he is. Brilliant.

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I will check it out. Thanks for the recommendation.

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Yeah, his brother Doug was in the band that did "My Sharona."

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I think that Grayson asked Reid to say his name because Reid couldn't remember it. It happens to me all the time. You get to a certain age.

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But what if you're just talking to someone else named Delauter about that vacuum cleaner they're thinking of getting? Would saying something like "Are you getting that Kirby, Delauter?" make Kirby Delauter want to sue you for saying Kirby Delauter?

There's a difference between "Kirby Delauter" and "Kirby, Delauter", Kirby Delauter!

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Boy did you just set up a great segue...

Hey did you know that Reid-supported Grayson-challenger, Patrick Murphy, supports the same completely legitimate business model of payday lenders as (equally-incorruptible and backed-by-Dem-machine) Debbie Wasserman-Schultz?


We know this is a completely legitimate practice. So much so that Google is no longer allowing any of them to advertise on thier systems!


But don't take Google's word for it. Here are some other fine testimonial to the non-explotative, non-predatory nature of such ventures:

http://wonkette.com/599267/...https://ourfuture.org/20160...http://www.marketplace.org/...(The Democratic-party-apparatus should really utilize the last link for their "minority outreach" programs by the way)

So you can see, this issue is totally about Reid fearing the taint of corruption from Grayson will start despoil the party and the process (boy doesn't that sound familiar?) and not about personality conflicts with fellow party member couched under the trappings of political righteousness (which also somehow sounds familiar.)

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Nevertheless, can Reid hold of on "wanting him to lose" (the corrupt jerk!) untill Grayson has more opportunities to bring up stuff like this:



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Dear Floridians voting for the new Senate seats -- don't automatically vote for Grayson's chief Dem rival, Patrick Murphy, because of this. Murphy has some shitty deeds of his own to his name, such as voting against the interests of Syrian refugees and the ACA. Always do your research! http://www.mypalmbeachpost....

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I am confused when my politicians refuse to be wholly good or bad.

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I kinda want my polticians to side towards "wholly good" more often than not.

Yeah, I know. I'm a selfish bastard like that. 😊

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Glory Hole: you're doing it wrong.

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Keith Ellison is not Caucusian.

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