If some of you want to vote for Bloomberg, go ahead and do it. I won't. As long as the Bloomberg voters, and Warren voters, and Bernie voters, and Buttigieg voters, and Klobuchar voters and voters for all the other Democratic candidates join me in voting for the eventual nominee. Please don't get in some righteous snit and allow 4 more years of President Toddler and further destruction of our government, the courts and the environment. Please. Your snit is not more important than the environment and our nation. Perspective people. Yes, I will even vote if it's Bidden, he is more liberal than Obama, and I voted for Obama.

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If Biden ends up the nominee, I'm voting for his old white ass. I just hope he picks an excellent vp.

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He ain't my guy but I'll walk over broken glass to vote for him if he's the candidate.

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Whore. (We could split it and give half to charities)

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I don't drink soda, haven't for years (except occasional 7-up or Ginger Ale on a plane). Now I wanna Big Gulp of Dr. Pepper just because of this mook.

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I am a very charitable person, and have low admin. overhead

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Let's keep the ship from sinking first. Then we can charter a new course.

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The last thing either side wants is a juror with inside knowledge of the scam

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I did the same, then got bounced for a comment made to a deputy in the hallway. Fuckers wanted to charge $10 for a pot of coffee.

In 1979, coffee was 15 cents a cup

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I think it would be really cool and useful to spend our time and energy attacking the Democratic frontrunner, because that worked so well in 2016.

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Of course, I'm gonna whine, cry, piss, and moan about it the entire time, but I will vote for the douchebag. If I have to. Rather not have to, but...

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We don't do something about climate change, healthcare, and reining in the banks toot sweet, the ship's gonna sink anyway.

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If Mike Bloomberg really wanted to do some good, he'd buy Fox News and shut that shit down, stat!

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He kinda seems like as soon as he started getting some media/polling traction the Dem consultant borg collective got him in their maw and he doesn’t have the experience to ignore very expensive very bad advice.

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Living in Argentina back in the 70's I remember watching comedy sketch shows on the tube and, because they apparently hadn't discovered laugh tracks yet, it was only the crew laughing in the back ground. My point is, Bloomberg should probably pay his crew more...

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I don't think we've reached the righteous snit danger stage yet, it's completely cool to dump on dipshits like Bloomberg, IMO

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