As an actual nerd, I have this personal rule that anyone who ran Gateway Computers is prohibited from calling themselves either tough or a nerd. They're like eMachines without the quality. (In fact, I'm pretty sure they owned eMachines.)

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Little known fact. Good King George rejected those petitions from the American Colonists requesting they be treated as English subjects because he didn't like their fonts.

That long "S" just drove him nutz - and the American Revolution was the result.

Plus, of course, the Americans were such crappy spellers.

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<a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=WnS53fNfpkE#at=125" target="_blank">Fight the power.</a>

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game of thrones ftw!

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Bookhouse Boys rule.

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This is just as bad as surveyor's marks. Or economic matters discussed anywhere but in Quiet Rooms.

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This is the Ole Newt technique - if you don't get what you want (say, you don't get on the ballot in Virginia or elsewhere) then you try to change the rules.

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Pica libel ?

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<blockquote>Had the board voted to put the repeal question on the ballot, P.A. 4 would have been immediately suspended. Terry Stanton, spokesman for the state Department of Treasury, said Public Act 72 would then be revived. P.A 72 of 1990 allows for the appointment of emergency managers that have fewer powers than those granted under the current law. P.A. 4 gives emergency managers added powers, such as voiding union contracts and stripping elected officials of their posts.</blockquote>

Democracy is tolerated only when it doesn't interfere with the Right Man's Burden.

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I prefer Dingdongs, but I'm pretty sure they don't make 'em anymore.

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Maybe they should talk to the Republicans who found no problem with the butterfly ballot in 2000.

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Sounds like a job for the Tea Baggers. Oh yeah, they elected this constitutional molesting moron.

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Michigan's 14 pt. requirement is just an homage to <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Fourteen_Points" target="_blank">Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points</a>. So really, it's all the Democrats' fault. Again.

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The Reagan worshippers wanted to use thousand point (of light) type.

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Hermes Conrad?

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