Jim jim jim jimmy boy,There is not a democrat today, now that Kim Kim went R, who will vote for you.You need to let it go, dude.Sincerely, America

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Or Jim Webb either.

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Your reply is perfection. Thank you for the smile. :)

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Frosted Flakes? Of which he is one?

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"But what about the people around him (there must be some, aren't there) who are telling him that what he's doing - heck, even getting into the race in the first place - was a Good Idea."

Glad you asked. Would one of those people be "progressive" Glenn Greenwald? Why yes. Here's Glenn Greenwald telling us what a fine Congressional specimen Jim Webb will make:

Greenwald (Salon.com), March 2009: "There are few things rarer than a major politician doing something that is genuinely courageous and principled, but Jim Webb’s impassioned commitment to fundamental prison reform is exactly that. Webb’s interest in the issue was prompted by his work as a journalist in 1984, when he wrote about an American citizen who was locked away in a Japanese prison for two years under extremely harsh conditions for nothing more than marijuana possession."http://www.salon.com/2009/0...

Ya know, it looks to me like Glenn Greenwald has never met a white supremacist 'Tea Party' Republican candidate he didn't like (and didn't put forth as being "principled" and "to the left of" decent Democrats for the sake of one or another Koch-endorsed bullet-point). And yes, Dok, I am using the term white supremacist as an appropriate descriptor, not as a slur. In afact, white supremacist isn't the half of it.

Speaking of "prison reform".... the right-wing idea of "prison reform" is prison privatization. It's on the Koch/ALEC checklist and it happens to be the sort of "reform" actual progressive activists have spent years fighting against: http://www.msnbc.com/rachel...

Question: sine when are white supremacists concerned with the plight of brown folks languishing in private prisons? < The spiel most often used to dupe African Americans into lining up behind Libertarian white supremacists.

Yes. I know, Libertarian Glenn Greenwald "has blind spots." No he doesn't. Warning: this is a provable claim:) Try me:) Meanwhile, if any actual progressives have "issues" with this sort of thing, they might like to point out to the editors of Salon.com that repeatedly providing white supremacists a platform from which to spread far right propaganda (and attempts to dupe the left into supporting white supremacists for public office) is not something we "grass roots" door-knocker types consider a "progressive" endeavor.

BTW, Libertarians pushed prison privatization in the first place, so pretending they want prison reform is laughable: http://www.theguardian.com/...

But... it's a good way to get far right lunatic white supremacist Republicans elected under the cloak of respectability:) Swell, huh, how right-wing propaganda works and our so-called left-wing activist brain trust falls for it - repeatedly.

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Needz moar sub-titles.

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"Hey, where are you going with my leaves!" - Jim Webb

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"He's dead Jim."

Punctuation is important.

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Sooo... who among us thinks Jim "Crow" Webb is the bees knees? Libertarians: https://www.google.com/sear...

The same ones (Glenn Greenwald - foremost) who thought "principled" Fraud Paul was the best America had to offer:


Shocking, init?

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When asked which party he will join next, Webb replied, "¯\_(ツ)_/¯"

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The Motel 6 owners of South Carolina are breathing a sigh of relief. They had been in fear the Webb campaign would swoop down on them and make off with all the clean white sheets.

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Shouldn't we just outright ban white men from the Democrat Party?

It's 2015.

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Sure. All the time.

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For a given value of "one hell of".

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Speaking as an only marginally-rich white man: No, we have always been infuriatingly whiny.

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I love you.

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