ANDREA MITCHELL reporting [May, 1992]:“... But outside of Little Rock, Bill Clinton has been sinking fast in the polls…he's dead last in a three-way race.”
Well, one reason to put health care at the top of the list during a major recession is as part of a plan to get us out of the major recession, by freeing up a lot of Americans from the anxiety of wondering how they hell they're going to get basic health care to head off more expensive remedies to health care issues long term. This will benefit the economy in a lot of ways that Adam Smith would thoroughly understand, but Excel addicted bean counters can't grasp.
But then again, I think most MBAs, with their "the only thing that is important is the current fiscal quarter bottom line" mentality should be loaded onto barges for dumping into the Laurentian Abyss, so there's that.
Wasn't he going to dedicate the rest of his life to finding the real killer? No, wait, it was the incarceration crisis. He was going to dedicate the rest of his life to reforming the incarceration crisis.
This guy has an enormously inflated sense of his own political skills. He won one term in the Senate by a fluke, because his opponent was a horse's ass who self-destructed, and now he thinks he's some kind of bipartisan boy wonder.
Hey Former Senator Dumbass: The first thing Obama did wasn't heath care, remember? It was the stimulus that pulled the economy back from the brink of disaster, even though the Republicans fought him every step of the way.
What a stupid move, in the middle of a recession, passing a bill to reduce health care costs and make health insurance more affordable for the millions of people who had lost coverage because of the recession. Thanks for ThirdWaysplainin' that for us, Jim.
NEW RULE! Legislation should never be crafted while something else is going on in the world. You know, because it just don't make no sense to solve a problem while there are others on the table.
Like cleaning a really big stable somewhere.
The Republican Alternative to Obamacare:
Don't be afraid to get your balls wet....
ANDREA MITCHELL reporting [May, 1992]:“... But outside of Little Rock, Bill Clinton has been sinking fast in the polls…he's dead last in a three-way race.”
This article reads like it was written by a child attempting to be a sarcastic adult.
Webb is just playing both sides of the ACA debate.
As GW Bush said, "governinging is hard"
"Thousands of concerned Americans from across the political spectrum scrotum". Ah. I feel better now.
Oh, God, not this whiny bastard. One Zell Miller was quite enough for my lifetime! Go back to the lobbying trough, carrot top.
Yeah, you really need to be up on your strategery.
I'll beg him to go away if it will help.
Well, one reason to put health care at the top of the list during a major recession is as part of a plan to get us out of the major recession, by freeing up a lot of Americans from the anxiety of wondering how they hell they're going to get basic health care to head off more expensive remedies to health care issues long term. This will benefit the economy in a lot of ways that Adam Smith would thoroughly understand, but Excel addicted bean counters can't grasp.
But then again, I think most MBAs, with their "the only thing that is important is the current fiscal quarter bottom line" mentality should be loaded onto barges for dumping into the Laurentian Abyss, so there's that.
Wasn't he going to dedicate the rest of his life to finding the real killer? No, wait, it was the incarceration crisis. He was going to dedicate the rest of his life to reforming the incarceration crisis.
This guy has an enormously inflated sense of his own political skills. He won one term in the Senate by a fluke, because his opponent was a horse's ass who self-destructed, and now he thinks he's some kind of bipartisan boy wonder.
Hey Former Senator Dumbass: The first thing Obama did wasn't heath care, remember? It was the stimulus that pulled the economy back from the brink of disaster, even though the Republicans fought him every step of the way.
What a stupid move, in the middle of a recession, passing a bill to reduce health care costs and make health insurance more affordable for the millions of people who had lost coverage because of the recession. Thanks for ThirdWaysplainin' that for us, Jim.
Jim who? Who is talking? What's that buzzing noise?
NEW RULE! Legislation should never be crafted while something else is going on in the world. You know, because it just don't make no sense to solve a problem while there are others on the table.