Well, there are subfolders within it.Organization, y'know.

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Whew! I mean, it really stinks when you really need some good goat on robot and end up with a kazoo orgy in your time of need. I was just concerned you weren't using your time optimally.

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Just checking. I figured that he had accidentally written the correct adverb, but I wasn't certain whether you had repeated it for its denotative meaning, or whether you were just mocking him.

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"And the FBI shares my interest in the subject." - no, no they don't.

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When she claimed all this overly pious concern "for the children" I was reminded of the Central American child refugees who wanted to - needed to - claim asylum here - and she sent them back to their deaths. And then she did it again with another group of kids.

You do realize that she worked for the Obama Administration at the time, and it was not "her" policy?

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only partially, yes some of us recall the 90's but I also know that since 1992 there has been maybe 1 out of a 1,000 positive stories about her in the MSM or FAUX and those 999 were planted or distorted to make her guilty of whatever was the butt hurt of the day. and millennials have also been infected with the bullshit from their mummsies and daddsies letting FAUX drone in the background and Texas style textbooks and teachers longing for a race war they ASSume white people will win this time.

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I assume she discussed her plans to kill Scalia.

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It's never bothered me before.

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no. my baby parts are on the outside. not celtic, aryan.

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I think there were two. I've kept this page open all day to keep an eye on things. It's been crazy here!

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idk he might be. his supporters are assholes. why are trumps supporters considered stupid bigots? because trump is a stupid bigot. there has to be something going on with a guy who attracts the majority of self-righteous, misogynistic white people. people who in one breath pledge their undying love for him and then turn around in another and say they will vote for trump if he isn't chosen.

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"I was just following orders" didn't work at Nuremburg with the Nazis, in fact it pretty much doesn't work anywhere. Did she take a strong stand against it? No she didn't.

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"It's been crazy here!"It's crazy here EVERYDAY, one of the many reasons I love Wonkette!

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Fracking? Since when has Fracking been a Democrat?

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