That war is self-funding.

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That might be true, or it might not. If it's not true now, it may be true later but it may not be entirely true. But then again, it might be entirely true. If it's true now it may be true forever or it may change to no longer being true.

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I'm sure the money went for something that directly erodes maturity, such as a flat-screen TV in every room. Did the young man look suspiciously like Bristol Palin?

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Want to know how to get a half way decent Republican president? Elect a centrist Democrat.

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Is the Hyper-Bole like the Super Bowl on (even more) steroids?

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well to be fair, braden deckard with popped collar is still a fan....

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<i>The late Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a politician and scholar, said a decade ago: “If you want to accomplish something big, you need to compromise big.” Americans are unhappy with politicians who prefer partisan bickering to getting things done. </i> -from Harold Ford's article

<i>Americans are unhappy with the economy, and a very vocal minority of voters seem to think cutting government spending will help, even though almost every penny the government spends goes back into the economy.</i> -from Me, just now

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Pamela Harriman is spinning in her grave.

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