Unless chocolate hummus is a code name for Nutella.

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1. Find out who your "at risk" Congresspeople are.2. Ask them what they need to help them win.

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I think for a lot of POC voters--as well as white voters--they just aren't closely engaged with politics and don't see a whole lot of how different parties in charge affects their lives. Tax rates are often not even noticeable except at higher incomes (for most people, it's hard to tell any change because your income may have fluctuated, or what you have to pay in health insurance changed, etc.). Cops still shoot unarmed black people in blue cities as well as red rural areas. Abortion is hard to access in many blue areas simply because there are so few providers. I'm not saying there's no difference between the parties--I know there is--but for people who aren't following it closely, and who are dealing with all sorts of day to day struggles, it may really feel like it doesn't matter. It's why if Dems are going to win over most of these nonvoters, they've got to (a) pass policies that affect them, and (b) sell them to those people.

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If we're waiting for the media to do our messaging for us, we're going to be waiting a long time.

Republicans learned long ago not to wait for Cronkite to spread their message.

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Yup, and they're carrying water for the 'Trucker Convoy' as well


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I am way over hearing the word :"bipartisan." Just stop.

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"A resounding success!" as if the people that showed up at the track where the main event was held weren't already on team Asshole(R), please.

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Ta, SER.

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lol corporate media times: “Joe Bidenget better messaging stop hitting yourself”

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Either way, we win

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I am surprised that our GOP legislators have not proposed sending money to Russia.

They have to be worried that if this invasion of Ukraine drags on very long it might keep their craven embrace of Putin (and Putin's proxy asset leading their party) near the front page clear into the midterms.

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Again, Black people know what side their bread is buttered on. That's not to say they love Democrats. Fuck no. Nobody loves the Democrats. It's that they know it's an existential problem and the GOP is the party of dead Black people.

NYC understands how people can be overpoliced and underpoliced at the same time. But only Democrats have answers as to how to address that. Hell, everybody distances themselves away from the 1994 Crime Bill now but at the time it was an attempt to address exactly that problem and had the blessing of the Congressional Black Caucus until the GOP got their hands on it and used it as a cudgel.

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I appreciate the sentiment, but it's difficult to imagine the Democrats being associated with left-wing.

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Do Democrats just go cheap when it comes to messaging? Republicans spend millions on consultants and think tanks to get the perfect message. I mean it’s not like Jim Jordan or Kevin McCarthy sit around a table spitballing like this. They hire their team, tell them to send the plan when it’s ready, and then go on vacation.

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but see outfits like the times are doing the exact opposite of that.

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liberal Corporate Media does Gop messaging for free.

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