Ta, Stephen. This is so fucked up.

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That the three of them did not come to an agreement on who would run for the Senate reflects very poorly on the leaderships skills of Pelosi, Jeffires and Chuckles. You just don't let your people waste time and money like this and unnecessarily give up 2 senior seats in the House.

Yes Pelosi does not have an official leadership position but she is the senior member of the House from California. In my career, I have been able to have the most influence when I had no official power because I could work freely behind the scenes.

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I would be a happy person if I didn't get these begging messages, along with all the animal ones and about the climate, and all that.

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I live in California, and while I get no shortage of emails from both Porter and Schiff, I get even more from Bob Casey and Debbie Mucarsel-Powell. I haven't gotten any from Barbara Lee.

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as a california democratic voter, this infuriates me. this is why i resigned from the fundraising/endorsement end of politics here.

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Yeah this shit pisses me off bc I like Schiff and Porter’s whiteboard

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I rarely give money to political candidates, and when I do, I go to the post office, buy a money order and sign it "John Smith," for just this reason.

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Brilliant and I wish I could have thought of this before I donated and now am inundated by requests :(

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Oh Adam Schiff, I live on the other side of the country from you and you send me fundraising emails when there isn’t even an election even close by in time. The thing is I do think you’d be a perfect fit for Virginia.

Here’s a question I have, so the money piles are 2:1 between Schiff and Porter for this California seat. Is that ratio the same if it’s just 1 per donator? That’s what actually matters.

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I live in Pennsylvania and I too am bombarded daily with begs for cash. Even though recent polling shows Pres. Biden widening his lead here I'm aware that he obviously needs to win not only here but everywhere and that's why I'll send him bucks until it's all over. And Bob Casey, my local guy, will keep getting my moolah. I want to support as many Dems all over the country as long as it doesn't endanger the levels in my strategic beer reserves. But I've been getting asks from both Schiff and Porter and I'm happy to read here that they're both flush and neither really need me. What I'm leading up to is I wish that there was a way - or someone to tell us - who really needs the loot and who doesn't. 'Cause you can't rely on Act Blue to fill that role. They'd have no more right to use the a name with the word "veritas" in it than James O'Keefe did. So, guys and gals, please fill me in on where to get the skinny on who needs what and how badly.

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vote save america portions out donations to down ballot canidates

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"Democrats will only hold the Senate if they win tough races in Montana, Ohio, and possibly Florida"

That's what I keep hearing. Missouri's upcoming contest between Hawley and Kunce is apparently just a figment of my imagination.

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Please, sky daddy, let Kunce curb-stomp running-boy Hawley...with votes!

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Gah, Garvey’s indignant huffing about how very dare you ask me this question when I, a most rational, reasonable man will not know how I’m voting until the last minute, as I must collect allll the info about the candidates first, unlike you knee-jerk libs who have, in their utter ignorance, already chosen. GFY

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The Super Secret Cabal that runs the Democrats needs to invite both of them one of their dark meeting rooms and tell them, "In order to keep you from damaging the Party, we are going to toss a coin to decide the race. The loser will bow out gracefully according to our instructions..."

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That is the job of Jeffries and Chuckles with a side of Pelosi. They are not managing their teams properly

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or broken cue sticks...

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Roughly 40 million people in California. More than half are voting age. We are talking about one Senate seat for me and my 40 million neighbors. There are 20 states that even if lumped together don't get to 40 million. (Check if you are on that list.) Two Senators for us. 40 Senators for them. Padilla is OK but he's too under the radar. The winner between Porter and Schiff will be the most influential Dem in CA. Yes it's expensive but the stakes are high. (By the way. Garvey is NOT a Dodger. They let him hang around the locker but he lost his Dodger Blue when he turned traitor and went to the Padres. One of his former Dodger team mates reportedly said Garvey looked like an American flag in his Dodger uni but in the SD kit he looked like a Taco Bell counter boy.)

30 Utah

31 Iowa

32 Nevada

33 Arkansas

34 Kansas

35 Mississippi

36 New Mexico

37 Idaho

38 Nebraska

39 West Virginia

40 Hawaii

41 New Hampshire

42 Maine

43 Montana

44 Rhode Island

45 Delaware

46 South Dakota

47 North Dakota

48 Alaska

49 Vermont

50 Wyoming

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The county I live in has a larger population that several states. I maintain the Ca should launch a process of hostile takeovers of the empty states. The easiest way would be to offer financial incentives for Californians to move to them and incentives for businesses which allow California employees to remote work from those states.

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That drives me crazy too, that even our counties are bigger than states. In all of the news about the Iowa caucus, they kept mentioning "all 99 counties" in the state and it blows my mind that we manage to do with 58 counties in a state of 40 million people. Meanwhile, Iowa is the 31st most populous state.

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As a Noo Yawka, I feel your irritation at the relative disenfranchisement of the larger - and conveniently, bluer - states. We have about 20 million people... and two senators also too.

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I really wish we could have TWO nice things: Katie Porter *and* Adam Schiff in the Senate. Both of them are the sort of fearless, kick-ass progressives that we need these days.

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If either of them run against Padilla, they will have my full support over Mr "We can't prosecute the Ca republicons over their illegal and fraudulent ballot drop boxes even though they say they won't stop putting them out after getting caught in the act."

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Why not both? 👍

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"He could’ve produced a movie musical called Pencil Neck Goes To Washington."

Actually he did just that, but it was SUPPOSED to be on the downlow. Who spilled the beans???!!!

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I love Katie Porter, but honestly, I'd be perfectly happy to see any of the three Dems occupy DiFi's seat.

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Barbara Lee is rude to underlings. I think it's significant, but maybe it isn't.

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I would too...which is why all the money spent on this race is SHAMEFUL

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