It's not hatred to point out someone's HUGE responsibility for the situation we are in today.
Can you please tell us all how Nader, in the last 20 years, has actually HELPED the situation? Sure what he says in the article is right on, but the fact remains that he is indeed a great contributor to the problems of the last 20 years, simply by being the Florida spoiler in 2000.
Can you imagine how things might have gone had Gore been in office? The previous admin actually respected the intelligence agencies and LISTENED. We may actually have been able to prevent 9/11. Just think about that for a moment. No unwarranted war. Instead - give some credit to Nader for helping usher in the age of The Project for a New American Century, care of Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz.
I lost all respect for Susan Sarandon when, after being asked whether the candidate that she backed had caused a problem, opened her pie hole and claimed that because Bush II won, 'the revolution can finally begin'.
Well, we're all still waiting for the revolution, SUSAN.
In CA, they throw the ballots at us, then throw a sign-up address to be informed exactly WHEN our vote was counted. I mailed mine in a day after I got it. Two days later, I was notified that it was counted.
Yeah, it's great living here. Hope the wing nuts keep believing it's a hellhole and stay the fuk away.
Do you remember why he stayed in the race? He thought that if Bush won he would be such a disaster that it would wake up the American public as to the problems with having both parties in thrall to the mega-corps. He was wrong of course, people are much more stupid than he gave them credit for. Gore would also have been a disaster, just for different reasons.
Thank you Robyn, for calling Joy by her name rather than “the woman running against Kevin Stitt.” The dark money attack ads against Stitt began months ago. (First time the dark money was on my side. Yay dark money if it favors Dems). In another time Joy would be a liberal Republican. Trust me. I’m 74 and I remember them. Speaking of money, raise your hand if you gave Joy money. 🤚🏻🤚🏻This is first time the Five tribes have flexed their political muscles and their casino cash. But not the Osages. They’re right wing and have been for years. I’ve cast my vote for Joy and Jenna and every other Democrat because we still can vote straight ticket here.
For filth
Could it be that OK actually has people tired of the wingnuttiness?
If the dems can win here, I think everyone can thank the Indigenous community.
Yeah, but it still has to be spelled out for those who've been taught for 30+ years that "democrats are evil".
It's not hatred to point out someone's HUGE responsibility for the situation we are in today.
Can you please tell us all how Nader, in the last 20 years, has actually HELPED the situation? Sure what he says in the article is right on, but the fact remains that he is indeed a great contributor to the problems of the last 20 years, simply by being the Florida spoiler in 2000.
Can you imagine how things might have gone had Gore been in office? The previous admin actually respected the intelligence agencies and LISTENED. We may actually have been able to prevent 9/11. Just think about that for a moment. No unwarranted war. Instead - give some credit to Nader for helping usher in the age of The Project for a New American Century, care of Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz.
I lost all respect for Susan Sarandon when, after being asked whether the candidate that she backed had caused a problem, opened her pie hole and claimed that because Bush II won, 'the revolution can finally begin'.
Well, we're all still waiting for the revolution, SUSAN.
Maybe a relative of Bat Boy Rick Scott?
In CA, they throw the ballots at us, then throw a sign-up address to be informed exactly WHEN our vote was counted. I mailed mine in a day after I got it. Two days later, I was notified that it was counted.
Yeah, it's great living here. Hope the wing nuts keep believing it's a hellhole and stay the fuk away.
A li'l satire;
Do you remember why he stayed in the race? He thought that if Bush won he would be such a disaster that it would wake up the American public as to the problems with having both parties in thrall to the mega-corps. He was wrong of course, people are much more stupid than he gave them credit for. Gore would also have been a disaster, just for different reasons.
Here's to hoping Stitt, the blighted zit, winds up in a snit after his YUGE election loss.
All boomers aren't magats.
Didn't know that. But can't say I actually agree with you about Gore.
And yeah, the 'revolution' obviously hasn't occurred.
Thank you Robyn, for calling Joy by her name rather than “the woman running against Kevin Stitt.” The dark money attack ads against Stitt began months ago. (First time the dark money was on my side. Yay dark money if it favors Dems). In another time Joy would be a liberal Republican. Trust me. I’m 74 and I remember them. Speaking of money, raise your hand if you gave Joy money. 🤚🏻🤚🏻This is first time the Five tribes have flexed their political muscles and their casino cash. But not the Osages. They’re right wing and have been for years. I’ve cast my vote for Joy and Jenna and every other Democrat because we still can vote straight ticket here.
Whenever a GQPer complains about Democrats getting dark money an angel loses its wings.
I agree a 110%. Progressives have thrown up a lot of words that have made people not like Democrats.