I wish I could vote for her.

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Yeah, I've been getting more and more discouraged. At least when Nixon was president, most Americans got their news from the same places, which involved actual journalism. Now we have a whole ecosystem filled with RWNJ propaganda, that convinces rubes that all these bullshit conspiracy theories are the truth, and that you can only get the "real" news from RWNJ sources. You would think at some point they'd notice that none of the "threats" they're always being warned about never actually come to pass.

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True, but Nixon voters didn't care about the break-in. That news came out before the 72 election.

And they didn't have Propaganda Channel on TV.

Trump voters don't care about Trumps scandals.

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I really think we're pretty close to seeing the end of democracy, particularly if Trump keeps stuffing the federal judiciary with incompetent, right wing, loons.

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I think most of them know what they're doing, and don't really give a shit that they're selling out their country, as long as they can profit from it.

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I'm just pissed off and out of sorts that we're probably going to lose the midterms. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE????? We've got an actual moron running the country, who's a crook and a traitor to boot, and people want MORE of this insanity? SMFH.

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Yeah, but back then everyone got their news from the same place, and when the country figured out that Nixon was a crook, he was widely condemned, and he was pressured to leave the office. Today, Republicans are busy trying to convince rubes that Trump is the REAL victim here. It's disgusting and sickening to me that these rubes would sell out their country to "win" or for profit, or for a combination of the two.

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Yeah, it's weird that Democrats are the majority of the population, but we can never actually win.

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Apparently I wanted to be Amy McGrath when I grew up. Before the medical issues immediately disqualified me, but yeah..... dude she is exactly who I wanted to be when I grew up. AW, go parallel-universe me! I give you monies on Friday after paycheque.

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We can, but we've got to pull together and stay focused.

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I'm feeling very discouraged at the moment (really for the past month). We had a massive lead a few months ago, and now we're barely ahead. I'm going to be extremely pissed off if people don't get off of their asses and go vote in November. Watching Trump get away with murder because his party is made up of spineless opportunists is enraging me. Christ, Democrats will throw our own under the bus if they make ONE mistake, this motherfucker makes a mistake every goddamned day, and they make up conspiracy theories about the "deep state" to cover up his crimes.

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Amy McGrath is badass. I hope she wins, takes names and kick some republican ass royally.

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FWIW, not only did Stacey Evans concede graciously she also said she'd work like a dog to get Stacey Abrams elected. (And if we're going to money Abrams, we might also want to money Lisa Ring for my district. On part of her platform says "Now is the time to catch up to the rest of the world and pass Medicare for All (H.R. 676) to take healthcare out of the hands of the insurance industry and place it into the hands of healthcare professionals." I've attached a linky to her entire platform.)


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Well, she's got a vagina and she's a Democrat. That's all they need.

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You can vote with dollars to her campaign....

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"It’s a big country, we’re a diverse party, and we WILL NOT be purity testing candidates from outside our own districts. Joe Manchin couldn’t win in Maryland. Ben Cardin couldn’t win in West Virginia. AND WE NEED THEM BOTH."

F**K YEAH!!!! There's plenty of room in the Democrat tent for all flavors and colors of Democrats. We ought to be able to welcome them all in our joint struggle against the GOP.

Secundus:Wouldn't it be great if we were at the point where phrases like "the first black female governor" and "openly gay Latina" were in the LAST paragraph in the articles and not the first?

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