Some of us vote with our heads, some of us vote with our hearts. Gayer Than Thou always votes with his dick.

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Actually, SCOTUS broke that one, and they can fix it in the future. All it takes is a few more progressive justices, no constitutional changes needed.

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Martin O'Malley FTW!

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Now THAT's what I call Chicago-style politics!

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Assad is a fascist, and Fomenko is a crank, and Jesus was NOT an 11th century Greek.

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He's still distancing himself from the post Sandy hug he gave Bamz, is that it?

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On a scale of comportment-of-oneself-as-a-world-leader, he's stuck at Angela Lansbury.

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I just want to say that I glomed (sp?) onto O'Malley before he was popular. So the rest of you hangers-on can stfu. /s

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It's time. All these centuries of the Jews controlling the world, and not a one of them has ever had to shoulder the burden of actually running the free world. I mean come on, already.

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The important thing to remember is that NBC lost the debates. Especially on its You Tube interlude theme music. It was something written by a has-been composer after he was kicked out of a biker bar, and you threw him a buck if he could come up with anything more than three notes, to accompany the Democratic debates.

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What was in that cookie you took a bite out of?

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Yep. It was four fingers in a baggie. Stems and seeds included (bonus!)

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If you are still undecided for some strange reason we cannot fathom, and you’re not sure whether to buy your Hillz T-shirt or your Bernie T-shirt (the answer is all of them, Katie), call in sick to work (if you don’t have the day off already) and sit back and watch three adults have a debate about how to Make America Great Again, but for reals.

I think I'd rather buy a Wonkette t-shirt....

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Yep, mexican dirt weed - tasted terrible, but it got you high. Well, high in the pre-bud version of the word. $10 an oz, complete with seeds and stems.

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