Same as they did with W.

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You can also add the US International keyboard. I write in French a lot and it's a YUGE timesaver.

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Fine, Mitch, Lindsay, Panama John, I get it.2018 bitches. You will whine so very much and it will be wonderful.

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[Wendy Davis did it, them buncha pussies]

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Alas Panama John has 6 more years of this crap. Flake will be up for election in 2018. The only way to get rid of McCain right now is a recall election. Not holding my breath though...I mean he DID survive the Keating 5 scandal, so dude knows where all the bodies are hidden.

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Also a valid choice.

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There cannot be two sets of standards: one for the nominees of the Democratic president and another for the nominee of a Republican president

You mean like how Democratic Senate majorities approve Republican nominees (13 times since WW2), but the last time a Republican Senate approved a Democratic President's Supreme Court nominee was in 1895?

Yah. Right. Fuck you in the neck with a rabid mongoose, Mitch.

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It's just amazing to hear Senators on C-SPAN droning on about Democratic obstruction. Fuck these assholes.

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Your horse is dead. Stop beating it.

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Are they trying to market to the white supremacist demographic?

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Or maybe, since Nivea has a bit of a history of racially insensitive advertising, could people who think "you don't have to make EVERYTHING about race" possibly stay in their lanes?So as to not get so upset about things like this?

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So in 4 years when President Gillibrand gets to appoint the first openly gay justice, the first muslim american justice, judge Michelle Obama, and judge Al Franken... Mitchypoo will be just ducky with it?

Guess he's gonna have to be. =D

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Good luck with that one

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At least the Dems didn't cave.

Seriously, the filibuster is only meaningful if the Dems are willing to use it. If the Dems aren't willing to use it, then the only thing the filibuster is useful for is allowing the opposition a huge amount of leverage to impede their agenda. The Dems should have reformed the filibuster back in 2009 and vastly restricted its use. Had they done so, we would have had a much strong healthcare bill with a robust public option. Instead we allowed Joe fucking piece of shit Lieberman to filibuster his own goddamn party after Obama went out of his way to campaign for that fucking piece of shit and then we got a seriously diluted bill. Not to mention the thousands of other bills that died or didn't even get discussed because of constant universal use of the filibuster by the GOP. The same filibuster that the Dems bent over backwards to preserve during the Bush years. "Oh no, don't take away the filibuster Mr. Bush! Please let's compromise by just passing everything you want and in return you can preserve this procedural hurdle so the GOP can fuck us over when we finally get some power!" Fuck the filibuster. I'm glad we played hard ball and I hope the GOP is so fucking short-sighted that they remove it for all legislation because the 99% of the time the filibuster is used, it is to benefit the GOP.

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FuCkonnell McMitchly

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