no bathroom break() for you

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"with votes" somewhere in the middle

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vowels were so much cheaper

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Monica Lewinsky? Chelsea? Chelsea's future kid?

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Well, that should shut Fuckface Von Clownstick up on at least this manufactured scandal.

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Will Drumpf now swing into action with his ninja Hawaii investigation team, which did such a stand up job of proving that Obama was Kenyan born, actually white and a secret gay and lesbian Muslim with thought control powers.

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My comment came out way more bitchy than I intended it to last night, but yeah. I'm still just disgusted with how many examples of the Right's assault on dignity I was able to come up with. And that you're still able to add more!

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It's creepily realistic, your brain actually thinks for a sec that it's real. I prefer the gross ad pics! I'd rather see the freaky photoshopped holes in skin, or bunions, or weird rotting egg-fruit things, or slut-shamed women, or literally anything else.

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Thank you! It actually wasn't clear, because he doesn't know how to construct two paragraphs in a straightforward manner. Your wingnut translation is much appreciated.

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They don't. They very badly want to avoid the loss in ratings caused by impinging the Holy Smear of Hillary the Skull Queen.

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I think I am VERY cute; I am aware, however, that that is the minority opinion.I must congratulate you on your incisive understanding of human nature, however, to have been able to determine my age and character from one line of incisive snark. Granted, you're 100% wrong, but full marks for being as willing to commit yourself to that opinion as you are to your thoroughly wrong-headed opinions about everything else.

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Besides, CNN doesn't have an airplane to look for. Sad.

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But but but Republicans are about to release their own report putting all the blame for Benghazi on Clinton. So there!

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He needs to have them investigate that possum colonizing his big orange head.

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So yesterday I was stuck behind a pickup with a bumper sticker in the window that said, Four Americans Died, Hillary Lied. Fortunately the bed of the truck obscured whatever pearls of wisdom were on the sticker beneath it.

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