well, trump's people, anyway.

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That's one more thing that's beautiful about the coalition we have on the left. We may occasionally fail to completely serve one segment or another, but we have so MANY different demos under our umbrella that we can survive even if we stumble on one. The GOP has racist white people, and they can no longer survive a primary on any level if they're not pandering to that demo. That means that they necessarily have to alienate every other group that racist white people hate in order to win, thereby screwing themselves out of winning in the generals, where everyone else votes.

This is why they're only winning in either gerrymandered districts or ones with a particularly high concentration of white folks, and why they're so desperately trying to suppress votes from Dem-leaning groups.

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Yeah, well, I saw a guy on TV last night dressed in a pair of hog killer overalls, telling a newscaster how he's voting for Trump, because "Trump's just like me." He insisted on this shit over and over, when it cut to another guy who actually admitted Trump comes off like the asshole of the universe, but that he's going to make a "leap of faith," and vote for him, because "why wouldn't Trump be a patriot?"

When things seem as moronic as they can get, in a mere heartbeat they can go into free fall, dropping first into the totally imbecilic, and then plunging into the idiotic before you even have time to shit yourself.

Ultimately, optimism is an exercise in soul crushing defeat, so get ready.

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You seem to believe this would be the first time my soul has been crushed.

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Googled political smears and found:"Passion and prejudice properly aroused and directed do about as well as principle and reason in any party contest." Thomas Elder 1840

Martin Van Buren was accused of wearing women's corsets by Davy Crockett.Teddy Roosevelt, wearing a sombrero and smoking a cigar, cheerfully...referred to Taft as a "rat in the corner."The more things change...

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must be landslide, must work down ballot for House and senate races

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No coffee, period. No bananas. No rice. No vegetables and fruits in the winter...

A lot has been said about the evils of globalization, but I don't think most people nowadays realize how dependent they are on it.

My grandparents used to tell me how hard it was during WWII to get things that weren't grown or made in the US, but there are few people left who remember what that was like.

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Believe me, that was one of the big lessons I learned when I first started living on my own--how fast food disappears.

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Who knew melting ham could be so delicious?

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Yes. I'm quite fond of how the UK uses "cunt". I've been thinking that "Coulter" should be the new C-word in US America.

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OMG, that's hilarious.

Trevor Noah's received a lot of criticism just because he's not Jon Stewart, but I kind of love him.

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The games aren't too awful. Are his books that bad? People talk about him like he is the Nickleback of authors.

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said no woman, ever.

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the first vote i ever cast was against reagan. i was not the most popular private in my company. even in the 80's, the military was filled with conservative christians. by the time shrub jr. came around, i was sure america was full of sheeple who follow the one who scares them the most. i have yet to be proven wrong. if trump gets elected, i will not be surprised. horrified, yes. but not surprised.

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the church needed stupid people to function. throughout most of history, it is the educated, and the intelligent who get purged first.

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