It's a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't wanna live there.

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But, Oklahoma!

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Do you really want to move to Oklahoma? Think this over carefully.

--signed, someone with lots of family there

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Well, since we seem to be in the concentration camp industry now, I'm sure that there will be other warm butts to fill those beds real soon.

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North Dakota legalized mj in some form in the 2016 Fiasco.

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My husband says he's gonna live forever!

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If Big Pharma gets into it, it'll ruin it.

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Yes, the last state to repeal prohibition and until recently just sold 3.2 beer, is allowing for medical weed.

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I still have that memorized.

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In other news, Oklahomans fall off their tractors in record numbers.

Is that the plural of Oklahoma? I should know this, I have family there.

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Finally read both of these articles, and they are incredibly fascinating.

And here I thought the 1950's and 60's was the first time conservatives deemed movements in favor of black emancipation to either be a slippery slope to communism or else communism itself.

The interesting thing about those 19th century conservatives is that they are more honest than their mid 20th century or early 21st century counterparts - not of their own volition, I'm sure, but because the nature of advocating cruelty requires the adoption of new dog whistles. You'll rarely hear a conservative today admit that he thinks a stable society absolutely requires the state to compel labor from persons "other than criminals." I don't think you'll find many conservatives today who even realize that they believe that. But I think they do.

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I know everypony's posting their favorite weed-based song, but the opening paragraph made me think of this one, because I am An Old.

...which essentially means Uncle Sam [...] doesn't really care about the ditch weed growing in the old park behind your grandma's house.https://youtu.be/YyQi-1Z2tN...

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The right deal on a private share-swap could take care of that.

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Please stay Girl, I truly love the sound of your words. Still have to get the war on christmas going, too. Also must learn the words to bread & roses. Also too, please listen to Dolores Funkette, local shama.

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