The Xtards will just change the fine print, and call themselves "pregnancy counseling centers."

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Order up, nightmare nitroglycerin, light it don't fight it! *DING DING*

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Jesus, what the fuck is your problem?

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Are they in Braille?

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If they don't charge money, you'd probably have trouble with fraud. And if they're careful not to defame any private individuals, libel and slander are right out.

There really aren't any laws about simply lying your ass off.

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This is a direct affront to the religious liberty to lie your fucking face off for Jesus.

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Assuming here, Max, that you were never a teen...

Also: this is a nice time post. Why so rude?

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...and sterile surgical rooms.

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Somebody is making a play to be bought, also...

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The "possibility of miscarriage as a reason to avoid an abortion" involves a type of logic that I'm not familiar with.

I'd be so happy to see these weasels knocked down a notch or twelve. They put ads in the NYC subways that I recognize for what they are, and it's hard to resist the temptation to scrawl "Religious Nuts! Avoid at all costs!" on every poster I see. Since I'd be defacing the MTA's plastic, not the actual posters, I refrain.

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