Hey, guess who decides whether you stay? Hint: It isn't you! You see, as the operators of this here website, Wonkette decides on its content, as the First Amendment guarantees. Freedom of the press and all that. And you're not welcome at this establishment. Bye, Felicia.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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What interesting timing! Did you know that the Supreme Court has, for the second time since DC v Heller, decided to let a state ban on assault-style rifles remain in place? You see, the 2nd amendment is subject to limits, just like all the other amendments, Sunshine.

I'm particularly fond of the First Amendment and freedom of the press, which allows publishers to decide who's welcome and who isn't on their websites. Bye, sugarlumps.

-- Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator

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As we have established around these parts, Trump isn't just a reflection of the modern GOP, he's also the product.

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If they can force women to look at ultra sounds perhaps they could make potential gun buyers look at photos pf dead children?

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Thanks for the clarification. I agree that congresstypes are wimpy, but I think their bigger motives are money and their own reelection. If we could get the special interest money out of our election system we would see a whole different government even with the same people in it.

I am old enough to remember the start of the crazy GOP. I even registered briefly as a Repub so I could vote against Reagan in the California primary. It has taken decades since then--and since Nixon's racist Southern Strategy--go get to where we are now.

The good news is that things seem to change faster these days. Marriage equality took years, but it still happened incredibly quickly in political terms. There seems to be a surge of holding powerful men responsible for predation against women and children (except in Alabama).

Maybe the same thing can happen with guns. It seems we must be near a tipping point.

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You also also must insure your vehicle and you are not allowed to take it into Walmart.

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I like the theft of MAGA I've seen -- Make America Good Again.

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It's like Doritos - eat it all, we'll keep making more.

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The gun-lovers are already alienated. This is (cunning? lame?) political maneuvering to get Republicans on record against the bill -- and then to say that specific R candidates 'support access to weapons for mass killings'. The swingy-vote olks in purple districts (like the Virginia legislative districts that swung from R to D last Tues.). tend to support this kind of bill.

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I can hear the commercials -- "Don Jones supports the sale of these deadly weapons to mass murderers".

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You have to know that a clip and a magazine are the same thing. You CANNOT put one into the other.

This is why the gun debate is a hot mess. Most people have no fucking idea what they are talking about (Doktor Zoom will probably show up and rage post me again. Whatever)

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Good, but we couldn't use the initials because people would think we were for Trump.

"Make America Fair Again" comes out as MAFA, which is almost rude and is the way I feel after a year of Trump.

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The rounds used in AR15s can be used for hunting.

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Can we have a tax to go to a house of worship too?

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So those shot Monash University are imagining thier wounds?

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Well one (using pistols) in 20 years is nothing in comparison to the American death fest.

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