[The] Senate will pass HR 1, and if it doesn't happen with the current leadership, it'll happen with the leadership we elect by running on this agenda.

AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Things are going to get better not worse? What a joker ol' Tommy boy is.

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If people vote we'll have a representative democracy, and then where will people be?!

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How did you get a picture of the waiting room from my bill?

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Brand Nubian Mayor.

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after a brief pause for some asshole to sneer, "it's not a democracy, it's a Republic!!!!"

It's neither at this point. It's a tyranny of the minority, led by a crime family.

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Gee, that sounds like the opposite of what the GOP legislature is trying to do in Iowa:-- Shorten voting hours-- Mandate absentee ballots by delivered by the time the polls close-- Enact a "sore loser" ban to prevent anyone losing a party primary for running as an independent for the same office-- And the biggie, ban satellite voting "in any state-owned building"-- in other words, sorry, all you college libtards, but you're going to have to go off-campus to vote!


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By the end of this year,Trump will have gotten 45 Circuit Court judges confirmed,almost as many as Obama got in eight years.And they will be on our courts until the 2050's at least.Throw in the St.Ronnie and Bush Sr and Jr judges that can still hear cases even though they are on senior status(like the judge in Manafort's case was) and progressive folks who sat out in 2016 or voted for Stein etc. really don't get how fucked they are.

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President McPresidentface.

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That's my policy statement!

I'm looking for a campaign manager, M!

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You know there’s something fundamentally wrong with a party that thinks it should be easier to buy a gun than it is to vote.

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"for the people" are Republican Worship Words and shall not be used by dirty evil Democrats who all hate America.


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Well, the Rethugs will no longer be in majorities anywhere, so obviously we can't have that!

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There are a gajillion dispensaries in Tracktown that can provide those.

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Taco truck mobilizing committee anyone?

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Back in the day we would refer to 'kick me - fuck me' boots.

It appears that they do exist...

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