I had a roommate in college who broke a tooth on one of those mechanical bulls at a bar (the Urban Cowboy era). I wonder if she's weeping in despair at the gold mine she missed out on by being a drunken idiot 30 years too early.

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Where I work we make English bacon, following the recipes of Maynard Davies.

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Remember the old joke? "He's a perfectionist. If he were married to Claudia Schiffer, he'd expect her to know how to cook."

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Upon further review - it was a chicken enchilada, not a burrito. My apologies!

Not quite as interesting as the recent Northern California "exploding escargot" case, however.

No - I'm not making this stuff up. Why do you ask?

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Kucinich once advocated a "Department of Peace". Good luck with that after rejecting the unborn olive branch in his sandwich.

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There used to be a "presumption of risk" doctrine when it came to restaurant food. If you ordered fish, you were supposed to know fish have bones.

Then in Oakland, California - home to many wonderful things in American life - a chicken burrito was served with a bone in it. The patron took the restaurant to court, won, and a new era began for all of us.

It's a beautiful thing, no?

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When sandwiches attack! Oh the horror. But I suppose an olive pit to Kucinich is like a bowling ball to normal humans.

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I'm betting this sandwich had eggplant slices, chopped kale, and tofu mayo? Had he opted for something containing pork products he would have been a healthier, and happier, man.

<b>Meat is murder. Tasty, tasty murder.</b>

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If you look up "okra," you may find that it is associated with one of the loveliest adjectives in the English language: mucilaginous.

"Mucilaginous Gumbo" would be a great band name.

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No telling what a cherry pit might have done to him, maybe broken his jaw.

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