After eating Denny's? No, no gold. Uranium mine tailings, maybe.

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"...Then again, Denny’s has a long and ignominious history of racial discrimination toward customers, so if we were handicapping which chain would pull something like this, Denny’s would have been right at the top of our list."

This is why I need to stop betting on these things. I had my money on Cracker Barrel.

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I second the emotion.

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Chris Rock ftw

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Don't forget WOG!

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Well, in fairness to you, it has "cracker" right in the name...

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Yeah, if I was the manager I'd be suspicous too. If they were black, white, turquoise, doesnt matter.

Thats an obscene amount of garbage to order at once.

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With that amount of horrible Denny's 'cuisine'.....he probably figured their bodies would give out before the check came....

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All those tens of thousands of American military men in the country.

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That is just so sad.... in every way imaginable....

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Before it became Denny's this chain of restaurants used the name "Sambo's." Strange name!

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While that’s a funny line . . . "Sambo's" was actually an unrelated chain, and the name “Sambo’s” was actually a portmanteau of the names of the chain's two founders, Sam [Battistone] and [Newell] Bohnett. Which didn't keep Messrs. Battistone and Bohnett from capitalizing on the association with "Little Black Sambo," of course.Sort of like the Hooters of its day.

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Hey . . . sometimes you're just HUNGRY.

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My favorite relevant story of WWII is about how the different Engineering Corps made up entirely of Black enlisted men would often get stationed in areas of Britain before other divisions of the army, airforce, etc. So they'd be their for a few months, and being Britain where during the 1940's social discrimination was worlds apart from how the US was, they'd make friends with the locals, drink with them, play games with them, even some flings at the time. Well, the other divisions would arrive a few months later and start into the local night life and fall into their normal superiority mindset of back home, especially the southern enlisted men, and the Black enlisted men would back out from habit, like what often happened in early 1900s US. But then the locals would end up stepping in to defend the friends they'd made over the past few months. Lets just say quite a number of fights broke out in Britain between locals and American enlisted men over this during WW2.

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hlw is prepay bullshit a lot of people walk out of dinners without paying so it makes perfect sense

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