"When asked why he put the ad up, DeJean told CNN Thursday that 'I'm a dentist and I don't think this country is headed in the right direction.'" THANK YOU, WILLIAM DEJEAN. That's what we've all been thinking.
you know, just today listening to hillz opening mid east peace talks and sounding all grave and experienced and so authoritative and finally hearing some serious news coverage (in a fairly nuanced fashion) about an important administration initiative in a critical part of the world i was thinking:
Another dentist who doesn't like Obama?! Orly Taitz -- America's Favorite Lunatic-Lawyer-Dentist-Birther -- is their Queen. She may chop off his (DeJean's) head. Obama's too.
I think she cut off Sarah Palin's head and substituted a mannequin head with a wig in its place. It's hard to tell from the photos, but YOU be the judge. (google: sarah palin mannequin head, or search the wonkette archives.)
you know, just today listening to hillz opening mid east peace talks and sounding all grave and experienced and so authoritative and finally hearing some serious news coverage (in a fairly nuanced fashion) about an important administration initiative in a critical part of the world i was thinking:
Is he distantly related to Carrie Prejean? Are there no plain old Jeans anymore?
Another dentist who doesn't like Obama?! Orly Taitz -- America's Favorite Lunatic-Lawyer-Dentist-Birther -- is their Queen. She may chop off his (DeJean's) head. Obama's too.
I think she cut off Sarah Palin's head and substituted a mannequin head with a wig in its place. It's hard to tell from the photos, but YOU be the judge. (google: sarah palin mannequin head, or search the wonkette archives.)
Houston? Too close to New Orleans.