You really don't understand how politics work. Considering I'm a Dem in a red state, I wouldn't follow you, but I will follow her. Grow a brain.

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He just wants someone to love him for his slobbery self and to take that silly bib off.

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Yep, is MOST ridiculous.Hate when people dress up their pets like people though they may be as smart or smarter than some people, but it usually makes them uncomfortable. Or so I've found. They have fur, don't need bibs even if they drool er'where.

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I spent the night catching up on Dr. Who and fretting about developing a cold.

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I would be proud to vote for Newfie. President Newfie has a distinguished ring to it, right? I'd bet he's housebroken, and that would be a welcome change. If not so already, he could be easily trained to leave other people's crotches alone. His hair looks--natural! No combovers, and it is an actual human hair color!I could go on and on, But I think you might agree that a balanced ticket is the key to Dem success in 2018 and 2020- the Newfie/Grumpy Cat ticket, say?

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I was hoping for a bit of MST3K-style Shadowrama riffing. Imagine my disappointment.

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The one on the right would be the better one to share a beer with.

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We could do worse. And have.

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Sooner or later, we're all going to get tired of maternaleffing 'moral victories.'

Any day now.

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I agree. The tell-all books 10 minutes after he’s dead are going to be interesting. 💊💊💊🚬💸😡🎩🗣🧠🗣🧠🗣🍆🍊🤡🤪

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Especially from sharks.

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Exactly. That’s why we FANTASIZE about things like Democratic Congress people sitting next to dreamers whispering and sniggering. To mollify our souls. And then the next day, when I’m actually writing this, turn back to all the incredible fucking lies Trump is telling and all the damage he’s doing. #NunesCarterPageMemo

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And one bit Phil Bronstein, Sharon Stone's ex-husband, on the foot.

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Was he Karving his initials on the Komodo Dragon with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush?

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What a STUPID article this is. I'll never get those lost minutes back.

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Putin disagrees.

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