I think I know pretty much how you feel. But for your mother to know that she has one child who can hold back from the kind of carnival excitement of "the meeting" I'm positive means so much to her. I know bc I blew off my family 50 yrs ago but people would not stay out of it-- it began to be so loaded and more and more things people were dying to tell both ways. Apart from BEGGING me to-- you know-- patch things up, forgive! They were so angry too. It's pretty insulting. They can't hear your mother or me-- the people most involved saying, "I don't want it."

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There is intelligent life in Mississippi. I know it ain't easy to find but it really does exist.

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To paraphrase Dylan Thomas:

Do not go softly into that Merry Christmas... Writhe, rant, rave!

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i hope Gilead empowers the women of Mississippi to shitcan her ass

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Aborting inviable fetuses = bad; infecting living people with deadly diseases = good.

Hope that clears things up for you. </sardonic>

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And substitute "Dreams crushed" for "lives touched".

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It's hiding in the tool shed at Rowan Oak (William Faulkner's ancestral home) in Oxford. Clearly, this woman is the long-lost descendant of Dewey Del Bundren's unsuccessful abortion.

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Because it was just so empowering to be told I had to spend three fucking months in bed and screamed at every time I admitted that I wasn't doing it.

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I've tried to tell these Christofascist numbnuts the same thing. But they are the same people who say that an ectopic pregnancy can be "reimplanted in the uterus."

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"...even the US's existing law providing 12 weeks of unpaid parental leave is only available to about half of working women because the law has so many exceptions." What is with these entitled richies who judge the world based on their own limited, sequestered and hence warped perceptions?

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The NutJobs cannot fathom sex for any reason but procreation, right? Especially for all those unmarried "sluts". "Why are you having sex if you don't want kids?" The corollary is to say: "Hey, you had the kid, you take care of it. Stop being lazy and pull yourselves up by your boot straps". Or something.

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Prolly wore a dress or skirt, too.

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"...an empty lot is basically identical to the same lot with a building on it." Or "a lot with flagged stakes in the ground is identical...."

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Such a hardship. Mississip should change that!

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What good does trashing him do, otherwise? He's the most outspoken economist for our side. Once again the Dems make perfect the enemy of good.

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