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I have come to love that tune.

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I hope I'm alive when I'm his age.

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While True: Gah.

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You see his wife?

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Gag me with a custard.

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Nah. There's much worse.

Now "stupidest", that I could agree with.

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When my kids were small, one of the side benefits of taking them trick-treating was every so often you would get invited in for a "treat".

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I think it is tied to how much their taxes went up under Obammer. Plus, many of them <i>really believe all this</i>. They seem to be astonished they are the only ones who see (believe) this and credit their extraordinary wisdom and the perfidy of the commie nazi liberal Democrats. Besides, all their friends tell them the same thing. Let's see, didn't Julian Sanchez use a term to describe this ...

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The "Fix The Debt" crew would do a lot more good if they tried to Fix The Derp instead.

Are they handing out Hobo Beans™ at that event?

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tonight i did the play based on a 2nd c jewish text and then we watched buffy 'halloween' cause that's just the way things are around here.

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baywatch?? really?

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My niece is attending there. She doesn't want to be eaten last

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Or as we called it in a household with two boys, where we went through a litre a month... the universal condiment.

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Well, I'm assuming they can't prosecute him for smoking whatever because they don't actually have the physical evidence of what was in the pipe. However, the chief wasn't shy about releasing all those pictures of Ford and his dealer doing their oh-so-subtle deals at the local gas station. No, it's not over yet, not by a long shot. He just isn't going to be prosecuted over the contents of the video, is all Blair said.

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Ah, so it's short for "small-minded government".

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