Um, John Denver libel?

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Fuck off.

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Probably heartbroken because she's in fucking Nevada.

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Jenna Bush Hager has a posse? Is that what happened to "Late Night Shots?"

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Some got routed to his Senate office by mistake.

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I am sure a clever, pseudo-legal Anti Deployment and Draft plan is firmly in place.

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Which is why there was a panic sell off on Wall Street yesterday.

I'd be laughing if the rest of his utterances weren't so terrifying.

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But that was only to raise money to pay for the patriotic cocaine smuggling scheme, right? And it wouldn't have been necessary if the enemy-loving Congress hadn't irresponsibly blocked him from sending US troops into a pointl-- er, patriotic quagmire in Central America. Or the other way around, I forget.

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We want us some more Kid Zoom! Can you bribe him with a promise not to post the pix?

Or drugs? How about drugs?

What? What'd I say?

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Some crows near my house tried to join up, but they couldn't agree on anything. I guess it was just an attempted murder.

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and GE has NOTHING on disney....

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jenna has officially aged into the 'republican sheath dress' phase.

this will be followed by the 'age of expensive jewelry because your husband is boinking the help' phase.


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oh also doc, thanks for the ramones.

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<blockquote>“Never in my political career in my memory did it ever occur to me that we would have a president of the United States who would be doing things supporting the enemy … Our system isn’t set up for Congress to deal with this kind of a situation”</blockquote> Refraining from reinvading a "friendly" country in compliance with an existing treaty with that country while that country is involved in a civil conflict, is not "providing support" to the other belligerent in that conflict.

But on a purely abstract, logical level, providing support to another party kind of negates their status as one's "enemy."

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Network guys are assholes, then again so are WH press guys. The WH press corp guys who are also network guys are especially smug assholes who think they're better than everybody (though there are exceptions, the professionals who understand that respect works both ways). That being said, this clown was out of line. There are unwritten rules and a well defined pecking order in the press and Tommy's laminate earns him a minimum deference. It's the producer's job to tell him not to film, not some tech.

Tommy was actually nicer about it than I would have been- I would have explained how I don't need some douche bag gel wrangler to explain to me how the biz works and that if he didn't check his attitude I'd introduce him to one of my mic stands. It doesn't hurt that at political events my credentials usually exceed theirs, a quick reminder that I control the press feed and that if something "accidentally" happens to theirs they'll have to go beg the local news guys that they've been shitting on all day for a spare hole usually settles them down.

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And so it goes.

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