Here we are with another collection of stories that are too stoopid to ignore altogether but that we just couldn't bring ourselves to waste a full-length post on.
The Friedman generator needs moar mixed metaphors ... Friedman has at least 2 in every column
EDIT: wait got one! "And three, capitalism is an extraordinarily powerful idea: If ethnic conflict is Monaco's glass ceiling, then capitalism is certainly its faucet."
Muesli? It helps keep you regular, and a diet high in fiber and long-chain carbohydrates helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, which I'm sure at the age of all six of Klayman's loyal fans is pretty important.
Treason requires a level of competence that Larry Klayman cannot possibly aspire to. It requires successful, overt acts of aid and comfort to the enemy or raising arms against the United States, which no two people in the US could possibly agree Klayman was even capable of planning for a date certain, much less carrying out.
And there are more than two idiots in the US, by quite a fair margin.
Not arrest, exactly; that would require getting off the couch, and Dr Phil is on.
But trial in absentia and heavy, heavy fines aren't out of the question, as long as Larry Klayman remembers to pay the eight bucks a year to keep the website registered.
He was shot by <strike>his bodyguards</strike>right-thinking patriotic Egyptians who love their country so much they couldn&#039;t let their President make peace with those <strike>partners in peace</strike>awful Jooz.
No time to look back.
The Friedman generator needs moar mixed metaphors ... Friedman has at least 2 in every column
EDIT: wait got one! &quot;And three, capitalism is an extraordinarily powerful idea: If ethnic conflict is Monaco&#039;s glass ceiling, then capitalism is certainly its faucet.&quot;
To be fair, it was his turn, though Egypt seems not to want their turn this time around.
Muesli? It helps keep you regular, and a diet high in fiber and long-chain carbohydrates helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, which I&#039;m sure at the age of all six of Klayman&#039;s loyal fans is pretty important.
Treason requires a level of competence that Larry Klayman cannot possibly aspire to. It requires successful, overt acts of aid and comfort to the enemy or raising arms against the United States, which no two people in the US could possibly agree Klayman was even capable of planning for a date certain, much less carrying out.
And there are more than two idiots in the US, by quite a fair margin.
Bernardo Gui?
They only apply to white, Republican Presidents.
Klayman should hook up with the million truckers since their both upset over AHCA, Benghazi and who knows- what- the- fuck else.
All that singing about &#039;The People&#039;, made me think I was on a Soviet propaganda site.
Not arrest, exactly; that would require getting off the couch, and Dr Phil is on.
But trial in absentia and heavy, heavy fines aren&#039;t out of the question, as long as Larry Klayman remembers to pay the eight bucks a year to keep the website registered.
He was shot by <strike>his bodyguards</strike>right-thinking patriotic Egyptians who love their country so much they couldn&#039;t let their President make peace with those <strike>partners in peace</strike>awful Jooz.
I always have to take a Mulligan on eleventh base when I try to punt in the seventh inning stretch.
Bet I could still beat Larry Klayman, even if he brought millions of patriots with him.
Some former beauty pageant contestant who was later elected mayor of Wasilla, Alaska?
Farrakhan should sue.
When I see &quot;Klayman&quot; my brain registers it as &quot;Klansman.&quot; Weird, right?
A Doritos, Pabst Blue Ribbon, and Pepsi give away may entice them out.
Damn, now I have put that out in the universe.