After downing a fifth of scotch and a handful of oxycontin, Manboobs postulated that the world would be a better place without brown people. Also insurance.

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That's actually kind of wonderful.

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Us scientific type wannabe's too.

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<a href="" target="_blank">A couple days late for Halloween, but cool.</a>

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No. You saw NOTHING!

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Could have been the Free Syrian Army.

Or a false flag.

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All we can ascertain is that it was not Army Syrian Free.

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I bet Joel makes a lot of mistakes.

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Wouldn't that have come out pink?

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Is scumminess a crime? I can find lots of people to prosecute for that!

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I think it means he's with the Inquisition. I hear tell it's quite a show.

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I got a ticket for jaywalking, which is worse than Watergate because Nixon was never confronted by law enforcement.

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It would be cool if they could track down the hooded fuckyards in the picture and prosecute the shit out of them. Ain't gonna happen, but it would be cool.

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Sigh...yeah, I know.

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If the President jaywalks, it's legal.

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Is "Smug" his dog or his goat?

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