Don't beat yourself up; the various origins and meanings had long ago become obsolete or moot. "Yankee Doodle" now is simply a jaunty little tune that is associated with the founding of the country, nothing more. Nobody thinks about what the lyrics mean because they don't mean anything anymore, and they haven't for a very long time now.

How did the song "Yankee Doodle" enter the discussion? What's the relevance?

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Not entirely apt. It was the elder Stein, Herbert, who was associated with the Nixon administration. His son Ben espouses a different strain of conservatism, one that has more in common with the G. W. Bush administration. The Nixon era Stein was much more moderate in his views. Which means that he was probably a bit to the left of our current President.

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I don't think that the proposed funding switch was the biggest reason why this story deserved its Derpy status. My own county way up in the northern part of the Northeast has had to deal with similar funding challenges. It looks like this was just the latest in a series of failed proposals in Lafourche Parish to find the money to build a new detention center. It isn't something that is unique to them. All around the country, especially in more rural counties, there are local jails that are in decrepit condition and very much in need of replacement with facilities that meet modern standards of security and humane incarceration. And they really do need these facilities in order to properly detain some truly bad guys, people that you and I would want the authorities to have in detention for the sake of our own safety. Everywhere these communities are facing the same obstacle: how to pay for it. It isn't cheap. I doubt that I would have supported the latest proposal, but I do not live in Lafourche so I know next to nothing about the particular background associated with it there.

No, the real reason that this is such a Derpy Story is because of some of the astoundingly brain-dead comments that were made by some of the individuals who spoke when the proposal was discussed. Those statements deserve every bit of the snark that has been elicited here. No question about that.

But citizens in Lafourche Parish are dealing with a thorny problem here, and it appears that they don't have any easy solutions within reach to apply to it. The Tri-Parish Times article reports that the proposal was quite controversial, which was why the election turnout was said to be so high. And in the end, it appears that the voters have rejected it. The people of Lafourche could see that this latest funding scheme was a bad idea. They want to keep the libraries open.

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I plead nolo contendere.

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Pavlensky would have had a much simpler task if he had gotten a <a href="http:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Hafada_piercing target=" target="_blank">hafada piercing</a> first. (Link NSFW.) Then he only would have needed to nail the ring to the pavement.

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I agree that the football helmet art is tacky and tasteless, and the "for the vets" aspect isn't much more than a trivial gesture, but I can't really get behind the rest of Blackistone's critique. There may have been a moment during the 1960's when this might have made sense. But seriously dude, with all of the other bad stuff going on now, <i>this</i> is what you choose to complain about? None of the customs and elements mentioned bother me at all. But hey, he's fully entitled to express his opinion. This is America, after all.

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"Mommy, Mommy, why do I keep running around in circles?"

"Shut up or I'll nail your other foot to the floor!"

First joke my then-new girlfriend (now wife of 36+ years) told me after we met. I knew right then that she was a keeper.

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What did you do for food during the other 127 weeks?

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Undergrad: Pooled money with a friend and ate a largely vegetarian diet relying heavily on food from the student-run whole foods co-op. Grad school: Dinner with my wife at home after work before heading off to class.

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<b>Update:</b> Happy nice time:

The referendum to cut Lafourche, LA's library funding in order to pay for a new jail was <a href="http:\/\/www.tri-parishtimes.com\/news\/article_77736346-4f41-11e3-9a77-001a4bcf887a.html" target="_blank">rejected</a> by the voters.

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No, the truly shocking thing is <a href="http:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/foodbeast\/heres-what-a-fenway-frank_b_3134161.html" target="_blank">what they charge</a> for it.

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I'll meet your bloody flag uniform and raise you <a href="http://www.salon.com/2013/1..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.salon.com/2013/11/11/stop_thanking_the...">http://www.salon.com/2013/1...

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Right-wing whining = The Old Bawl Game

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I read that too fast. I saw Northwestern sported weenies and I was all exicited.

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I saw what you did there with Bangladesh and curry.

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Putin laughs.

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