It bothers me more than a bit that every not-so-affluent person is in a lot more danger, and the affluent started it.

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<i>"Also, there are “legions of lawyers lined up to bludgeon wealthy Americans and corporations” for a “piece of the action.”</i>

The legions of Wall Street brokers, advisors, fund managers, and "investment gurus" like this twatwaffle represent, at a rough guess, about one million times the parasitic load of lawyers. What does Schiff's "piece of the action" come to, for doing nothing remotely productive?

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Bristol's got the grift nailed: she's making a fine living doing absolutely nothing, withi nothing to contribute but imitations of her mommy, and without the distinction of having once been a governor and VP candidate for a minute. I'd say she's doing it right.

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Slumming is flying on a commercial airline.

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Today's guillotines are mounted on drones.

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Plumber, electrician, air conditioning technician, etc, work too.

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Thanks for the tip, Billo. I'm not affluent, so I guess I don't have anything to worry about.

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“Every affluent person in America is in danger. Every one.”

If by "affluent" you mean "stinking rich" then not quite yet, Billo. But soon...

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That's one helluva long name, GW. I'd love to be present in that kid's homeroom when the teacher takes attendance on the first day of school...

"...Nelson, Monica ('Here!'), Norris, Eugene ('Present!'), O'Neill, Patrick ('Yo!'), O'Reilly, Fuck Justine Gay Marry Obama Kill Schiff Sue...(no answer). Repeating: O'Reilly, Fuck Justine Gay Marry Obama Kill Schiff Sue... are you here? (No answer.) Anyone? Does anyone know if Fuck Justine Gay Marry Obama Kill Schiff Sue O'Reilly is in school today? Anyone? (Faint cry from the back of the room: 'Here!')"

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I learn so much at Wonkette. Thanks Dok for a new internet favorite in my house: assholeoftheday.us

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As I was reading about Ms Sacco's tweet, I got a delicious foreshadowing . . . Could it be, I thought to myself, that by the time her plane touches down she will need either police protection or a new job? I guess it truly is a season of miracles! Go enjoy unemployment, Sacked-o. Nobody deserves it more (today, anyway).

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I always pray for the rich; I pray many of them fry in Hell.

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Yes...I will. In fact, I'm thinking about torches, pitchforks, and guillotines .

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Read some of the her other tweets from the same flight:

"Been downing #WhiteRussians all flight in support of #Sochi2014! Seat 5A sent me a Johnnie Walker Black, but I sent it back!"

"ugh now White Chicks is playing on the in-flight don’t understand why it’s okay when THEY do it #confused"

"I think the lady across the aisle is clicking at me. I’m sorry ... I don’t speak Kwanzaa LOL #whitesanta"

And some older tweets that the good people of Twitter and Gawker dug up:

“I had a sex dream about an autistic kid last night.”

"Someone get the rape kit ready for Tom Brady. Go Giants! #SuperBowl"

"As I sit and eat a bagel with lox, i would like to send love to my jews who are all starving themselves right now. #hungryhungryhebrews"

"Just thanked Gov Cuomo for supporting #womensrights. Need to stop geeking out over politicians that love abortions."

Yeah, she's a peach. <a href="http://gawker.com/are-we-su..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://gawker.com/are-we-sure-this-was-not-meant-...">http://gawker.com/are-we-su...

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"you ugly vile little snark mob!" *joy*

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Yeah, so did I, but I'm allowed to because I am one. #confused

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