"Palliative chemotherapy" means giving expensive drugs to a hopeless case, witho no intention of producing a cure or remission. Does nothing much for the patient (unless you consider being a terminal cancer patient for a few extra weeks a good thing), but it is highly profitable. The sales pitch is usually some patter about "slowing the progress of the disease."

My father had the wits to say, "Why the fuck would I want to do that?" Smarter than the average bear, he was.

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A "VALUE"??? Most people would consider that a sign of a failed society.

Libertardians are not most people.

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And they know that Adam Smith's fist is invisible.

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FOIP would be the perfect solution to the problem of rightwingnuthateracist websites. Somebody should work on that.

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If I were inclined to waste real estate with my corpse, which I'm not, I think I'd go with "Thanks for all the fish."

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Sales of catsuits and whips would go through the roof, I <strike>think</strike> hope.

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Johnny Weir is amazing . . . where's he been hiding all these years?

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Other people not having their values = "persecution".

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That's taking "anatomically correct" to a whole new level. I bet sales would pick up if they made a life-size version.

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A vast improvement over the bad old commie labor union days, when a guy could do it working 40 hours, with workplace safety, health insurance, and a pension plan. In those days, you could hardly pay the CEO 50 times the workers' income. Thank goodness we fixed that problem. Thanks, Ronnie!

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If you think about it, Barbie was either very frustrated, or a lesbian. Did Mattel ever make a Butch Barbie, with a Subaru and a dog?

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Still doesn't explain how or why they're dredging up a couple of seconds of programming from 2010, just to piss and moan about it here in 2014.

Most wingnut factoids that "everybody knows" can be traced to a single source, and I suppose one could - if one cared - follow the links and find the pearl-clutching howler monkey who dragged it out for the rest of the pack to despair over.

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Funny how Liz Warren and Wendy Davis failed to make the list. Evidently, only right-wing women are capable of being "successful".

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