Indeed. "Will this giant mountain of dead coronavirus victims, some of them infants and kids, be enough to derail this Republican Trumpbuttlicker's presidential aspirations? Will his nonsense kill off his base to the point where GOP gerrymandering, voting machine jiggery-pokery, and voter suppression efforts cannot make up the numbers gap? Tune in and see!"

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That’s kind of how I read the headline, too - not that its writer actually agreed with the strategy, but that she was flatly pointing out that said strategy is killing people. We Floridians apparently have to be hit upside the head with Captain Obviousisms most of the time.

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For me, this is the part that rankles:

If Florida comes through another virus peak with its hospital system and economy intact, his game of chicken could become a model for how to coexist with the virus.

A model? For how to coexist? Feh!

Anyhow, the "game of chicken" analogy trivializes what he is doing.

In a game of chicken, you jump onto the tracks and bet you can jump aside just before the train hits you.

You don't push children and teachers onto the track and forbid them to jump.

A better analogy would be that DeSantis is charging into schools with an assault weapon modified to spew Corona virus and firing it in all directions, betting that the National Virus Spreading Association will support him.

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The word “coexist” shoulda been in quotations, because if it’s killing many of your constituents you’re not exactly coexisting with it, herrrmmm?

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Thank you for being aware of this fact and for sharing it.I have lost count of how many times I’ve screamed at the top of my lungs that this race was soclose and that’s part of what caused Gillum to mentally break down AFTER the election and require rehab. He felt that he let Floridians down by not winning. DeSantis clearly wants to kill as many Gillum voters as possible as a form of retribution - and that includes Florida’s many voters of color. They - and the children of Florida- deserve better. They deserve to live.

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Very well said. I agree.

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On top of everything else, DeSantis has an epic case of "stoopid face." I mean, the epic-est.

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I have often wished that people were less stupid. It has gotten me exactly nowhere.

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Aside from DeSantis being a post-turtle, I doubt the bodies will make much difference in his political aspirations.

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The "liberal media" is going to push the meme that DeSantis "won the pandemic" no matter how many bodies it has to sweep under the rug. He's the new Biff. Good for ratings, good for billionaire investors, bad for America.

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Burned out medical providers should deliver COVID corroded lungs and other spent organs to the front door of the NYT so they can see what they're talking about. And do the same with desantis and the legislature. Look COVID in the eye, so to speak, and then we'll maybe listen to what you burble.

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Let’s do the math. Right now about 55 Floridians are dying each day of covid. There are 456 days until Election Day 2022. That means that between now and then over 25,000 people will die, and those are not democrats that are dying, it’s desantis voters. Ron desantis beat Andrew Gillum by less than 30,000 votes. That’s a pretty tight margin considering that Charlie crist is not a black man with a drug problem. Good luck Ron

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Maybe we didn't watch the same 50s teensploitation movies, but games of chicken always seemed to be life or death in the ones I remember. As to "coexisting with the virus," I took it that the writer was looking at it from the perspective of DeSantis and his ilk as far as what they can get away with and still hold their base intact and not literally as how we can all "coexist with the virus."

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Die Hard Trump Supporters ....

That's it. That's the tweet.

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I’m a Floridian, and even I chuckled at that one. Stealing.

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I keep wondering if his Florida Villages peeps are still down.

Nothing like a bunch of retired rich folk to be consumed with their health, and they follow obituaries like a sportsball guy follows stats. Teh Olds' number one 'safe' topic for gossip: illnesses and their treatment.

What are they thinking when the hear Karen White can't get her regular appointment for her carbuncles because it's all hands on deck? Even rich private hospitals are at capacity. And Susan Bircher's grandson just passed away, and he was such a healthy young feller, with three kids.

It's one thing to hate paying taxes, it's another to have to die for it.

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