So this says 37 R 39 D. Way too close for comfort

Factoring the 6 point handicap for Rs Ds still behind 4 points. And 2 point margin of error puts them behind 6 points.

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Most expensive sugar pills ever!

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God, I wish! The best thing to happen to this country would be to see Fox News totally bankrupted and destroyed.

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The more the merrier. Fuck them.

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In the 1950s and early 1960s Democrats and Republicans favored what could be called socialism. Massive highway plans, more money spent on education and science, especially in research in aeronautics and medicine. Hell, Nixon created the EPA. But much of that spending benefited White males, from elementary school to retirement. Schools in White suburbs got most of the money and better facilities meaning people entering STEM majors in universities were almost all White males, as were the executives in the companies they worked for.

Once Medicare and Medicaid were passed, schools integrated, voting rights improved, and safety net programs expanded suddenly White Republicans were not so happy about their tax dollars going to "those" people. So we saw even more white flight from cities to suburbs in the 1970s, along with more commercial, office, and residential development and therefore property tax revenue going to those new or previously tiny towns surrounding major cities. Those same highways helped that exodus, then started splitting Black neighborhoods and business districts up as they built expressways through those sections of cities so no one needed to stop. They tore down businesses and the highways separated businesses from their residential customers. All in the name of urban renewal, which was actually urban destruction. It virtually destroyed some cities, like Detroit, which dropped from close to 2 million people in 1950 to under 650,000 people now.

Unfortunately cities like Detroit in the 1950s would be a better solution to climate change than large suburban lots spread 30 miles or more from employment centers. Urban sprawl has made access to mass transportation impossible for most people, requiring more roads to eliminate traffic not moving at all, with those crowds still being packed the day they open. Airports cannot keep up with demand but the GOP thinks trains must be profitable from day one father than using tax money to supplant building more roads.

Of course those roads have a dedicated revenue source from gas tax (which Republicans think is too high) which trains do not have, along with federal taxes and state taxes on air travel. But even moderately high speed rail (150 to 200 MPH) and commuter rail in conjunction with efficient zoning regulations would ease the stress on airports and roads. Then we have something that the pandemic forced on us, working from home. Something that I have noticed still reduces rush hour traffic on the few times I have to go into the city since I retired. But millions of people live in areas with poor, outdated internet service, limiting employment and educational options in those areas and putting more stress on transportation infrastructure.

It is also giving some of the White rural residents a taste of what it is like to be neglected when it comes to increasing opportunities and they don't like it. But instead of demanding a fair share of funding for rural infrastructure (like we saw in the 1930s to 1950s with subsidized rural phone and electric service) they want to cut funds to city schools and mass transportation. Pulling others down instead of building themselves up. While pretending that flooding is the only thing climate change will cause and they are safe on their ranch in Wyoming. So screw New York City. But no one is safe from extreme weather caused by climate change. Iowa has floods. Plus droughts, wildfires, and tornadoes. So those farmers and livestock ranchers need to be just as concerned as the $5 million condo owner in Miami Beach

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LBJ. The Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were big.

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Yes. Sadly LBJ declined to run for re-election, I’ve always wondered how much more he could’ve accomplished.

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Well written.

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Appropriate. Surprised you remember this song from Zappa's extensive discography.

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I remember this panel from MAD. I subscribed to it back then and the spoof of Lost in Space was one of the funniest. "They look like ants on the screen. #$%^ they are ants on the screen."

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Don't take her social security or medicare though.

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For much of Watergate, partisans remained in their camps--but in the meantime the economy was going to crap and that was making Nixon less popular. As his numbers dropped, moderate Republicans jumped ship, and seized on his remarks caught on tape to call for his impeachment that made him resign.

I think if the economy of 1973-74 was stronger, we'd have seen more right wingers make excuses for Nixon ("he was just musing out loud! He was justified in going after radicals and enemies! He just had overzealous campaign aides!") and stick by him.

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I don't know about all of BBB, but if Democrats let the child tax credit lapse and voters see that they're no longer getting hundreds of dollars a month coming into their bank accounts, I don't see how that doesn't hurt them.

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I think that all "self-described independents" are life-long Republicans for whom the current GOP is too screwed even for them but won't admit it and sure as hell wouldn't describe themselves as born-again socialists.

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It's not about whether he gives a crap about them. I said he understands white voters.

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To “activate” the immuno-uro-factors. Yep, sounds correct.

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