I hope Massachusetts is moving that way after 8 years of benign neglect by Charlie Baker. The MBTA is a mess because Mr Business Leader couldn't fix it after 8 years of ignoring the problem.

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but life was so fun and carefree back then! your only problem was if your souffle was going to collapse!

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Hah! I saw the Cramps on New Years in a Tijuana club, about a million years ago!

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cats are all ego. dogs are all id.

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Say you get a traffic stop. Will the cop be able to demand your marriage license as well as your driver's license? Will they only do this if the person sitting next to you has harangued you for five miles about your merging skills and is continuing to harangue you even with the cop standing there?

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It'd be real nice if we lived in a nation that guaranteed housing and health care for folks so they don't have to choose abuse vs. those things.

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wristwatch, wankel rotary engine.

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i, for one, have employed the Khrushchev Model of banging the shoe on the table.No one yet has seen fit to question.Old enough now to be so brash without consequence.Sadly, the gesture is lost on most.Vaughn would approve.

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Laurie Anderson" 'Cause when love is goneThere's always justiceAnd when justice is goneThere's always forceAnd when force is gone,There's always Mom.Hi Mom!"

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you'll feel a little prick

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liquid fart in a Preval container actuated by a wire. Fuckers back right off. if only one were allowed to fling poo as well.

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Thank goodness we don't live in uganda.

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Aw, thank you. I think we will find resolution, it’s just going to take a while. Today was harder than most, partly because a coworker went off on me for no reason. But the day is going to get better!

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That sounds like fun, I just might.

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Right? I lived in China 20 years ago and even then, in what is a fairly conservative, LGBTQ+ -hostile society, no one was freaking out about sex before marriage or marriage at all.

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I just noticed that I keep saying “Right!” today. Sorry about that.

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