Yes - I'm thrilled at Hillary's "inevitability."

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Fun fact- Detroit is north of Windsor, Ontario!

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I keep giving all my money to some guy who says he owns my apartment building. I really should have him checked out.

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I tried watching Norton's Hulk the other day, as I do love Edward Norton in almost anything, but after Ruffalo, there is but one Hulk.

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I went high school in Battle Creek Mi. and I have a soft spot for Detroit because I got to see Iggy Pop play there in local dive bars.

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Is the hockey arena owned, by any chance, by the same pizza billionaire who wants $283 million taxpayer dollars for his <i>new</i> hockey palace?

Because that would be kinda fucked up.

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Nice article! *Off to Amazon to buy some farm implements*

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Just add on "by Nazi bombers" somewhere in your ideas, and you get the Buzzfeed Benny Deeply Creative Seal Of Approval.

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What else could they spend it on? Maybe water? I hear they have a lot of it.

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As a Poor, I remain tragically unfucked, except in the economic sense.

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Not until they build a moat around city hall.

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or huge bankrupt corporate accounts? how many <strike> slum lords </strike> real estate investors/jerb creators are getting the water shut off for their moocher tenants?

real bad news is Michigan's Governor wants to sell off the water department to private management once it has cleared up all the liability on its books. sucks for the city residents, sure. But I'm betting they think they are going to get to sell off water from the Great Lakes to their Orange County pals in Colorado too. They tried to sue Toledo a couple of years back to get a pipeline put in. If they drain the Great Lakes to water golf courses in Colorado, we are well and truly fucked.

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nerdgasm runs deep in that one. he was fabs in Zodiac too.

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1. As best I can tell the DWSD claims that half of its 383K accounts are delinquent, but they are only cutting off service to those that are over $150 or 90 days, so let's say 100K. At $5.6M to the contractor, that's about $56 per shut-off, which is a nice profit for the contractor, but is, honestly, not a rip-off price.

2. The thing is, at that price, what they must be doing is turning off the curbstop and padlocking it.

3. Boltcutters.

4. While turning the water back on would escalate the situation from a delinquent bill to a crime, there would be the problem of establishing who actually committed the crime. "The water just came back on. I thought the problem was over".

I don't believe the city (that is, the <strike>asshole</strike> Emergency Manager) has thought this through.

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All I can say is Bravo!, people. Bravo!

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Wonkdollars and bit coins... I got to get in on this making money gravy boat. anyone interested in some Grumpe bucks? 3 for a dollar.

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