but Jeff IS Satan

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He totally faked it to get out and go to a hospital. He’s going to hate spending all of his last years in prison. Good.

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Deutsche regrets that being caught doing business with douche is going to cost it money.FIFY

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Sans doute.

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Some other off-shore bank(s), no doubt.

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I'd say both DB and Epstein are pretty much slander-proof. Neither has a reputation to protect.

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Sorry, I don't get sucked into stupid arguments.

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I said the same thing about Trump earlier. When Mueller said some of the business deals Trump was involved in with Russia could be a basis for blackmail, I was thinking that it may be a tough sell. Considering how his base covers up and excuses all the other corruption he has been involved in, even the pee tape, if discovered, would not cause any more damage, nor get his base to turn on him. The only person it would embarrass is Trump himself. His base doesn't care.

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He's probably suicidal because he's missed like 1000 massages already.

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With the many and varied Wonkers we have here someone should be able to do more than guess by now. If no one here can say for sure what happens that is a big blank spot that needs looking into. Could it all be held in a type of trust fund somewhere? I'm a broke mom who has zero experience in these matters, but I know if I get so much as a $2 rebate check from somewhere it's going into my PayPal account ASAP.

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That jail is probably a hell hole but it's likely more habitable than the baby jails we've been hearing about lately.

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They'll always have England. Notice most of the "fiscal paradises" around the globe are British dependencies. After all, they built their empire on piracy and theft, so why expect the Commonwealth to operate on any different financial model.

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The City is going to be crying out for business after Brexit...

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Wouldn't be shocked to discover Epstein did it to himself in an effort to get a comfier bed in a hospital.

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Get him to sing, then give him the choice of GenPop or SHU. For life.

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