Lest we forget, Obama got constant death threats from the wingnuttosphere, which required personnel to investigate whether or not they were credible. I want Melanoma and her spawn out of my city, now.

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Come on I have met people that really miss Disco.

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The line about Crazee Conway's Roomba was pretty good too.

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You obviously do not know of Dok Zoom's long-known Brony status. He slips the Magic of Friendship into posts on the regular.

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I'd usually say it's the family dog, but the family doesn't own any pets (whether by force or by choice) and that's weird.

It can't be the butler because he uses H1-B loopholes to exploit the shit outta the help which he then spraypaints gold and lets Ivanka sell on HSN.

so that can mean only one thing...FLYING MONKEYS!!!

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...and also stolen, though with careful attribution.

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I hope you clicked the linky, seeing as how I stole that from Tom Bodett :)

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He was the Hall Monitor who was constantly Overruled.

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Okay, I actually did. It was the first Presidential election in which 18 year olds could vote, and I turned 18 in September of that year. But, I didn't actually vote for McGovern. I voted against Nixon.

You young 'uns never could understand the visceral hatred we old farts harbor for Richard Milhouse Nixon. Until now.

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> Nunes is a mushmoushed numpty

As opposed to a moushmushed numpty?

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Well, to be fair, I did include "Others" in the working title... Cheers!

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I would consider that strong evidence of the existence of God.

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I don't know how you begin to satirize this lunacy.

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Is there no statutory limit on the executive office protection the government will pay for? If not, there oughtta be a law!

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