You are 100% correct prolly. Always think like a grifter to understand the grifters!

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Devin better get his money upfront, is all I'm sayin'.

I can't be the only one (haven't read the comments, I just got here) who finds it absolutely hi-larious that Devin Nunes, who sued a fake cow on Twitter is now in charge of TFG's social media. Devin Nunes has zero understanding of Section 230 or the First Amendment or how the internet /social media actually work.

But you do you, Devin.

The real story is that his seat is about to become competitive for the first time, due to CA losing 1 seat and going through redistricting. Nunes' former base of power will now be in Fresno and they forking hate him in Fresno. Besides, Devin mooooved his base of operations to Iowa some time ago.

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You're udderly correct.

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"Herd", et al. Snicker! Snicker! Well played.

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This is too dumb even for Devin. Surely it's fake moos.

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The SPAC & Patrick Orlando, the force behind this grift (with offices in Wuhan and Florida) are already under investigation for violating SEC laws. https://fortune.com/2021/10... and https://www.mediapost.com/p...(Alternates to NYT links in earlier comments.)

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Plus McCarthy would want to get him off the Intelligence Committee before he has to recuse himself as a indictment/subpoena recipient.

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I have tried multiple times but Ameritrade says the stock is not shortable, I don't know why? Bastrds!

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Primary likely in April and special election in June, based on old maps, then general election again in November, with the new maps.

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It's a grift and it's already under investigation by the SEC. (No surprise.)

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Just keep walking, Devin. We won't believe it until you are out of sight.

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We're just gonna milk it for all it's worth.

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MENSA has orgies? Why didn't someone tell me this 30 years ago?

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fwiw on Facebook I commented on this news with "is it Politico ... or is it The Onion?"

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