In California, a teenager who had been detained for 11 months confided to shelter staff that he wanted to die; in an asylum hearing, the confession was read aloud as evidence he was a danger to himself and should be deported

I mean. Just. What? The. Fuck? What chop-logic is that? If someone wants to kill themselves HERE, they're not going to be less of a danger TO THEMSELVES anywhere ELSE. Kid is taking his body WITH HIM when he gets deported, no?

God, I keep reminding myself to keep my anger constructive. But it's very very hard some days.

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Let's get the patriots together, gird all with votes, and then we'll overwhelm and remove.

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someday, when this regime is gone, we're going to need a truth commission to investigate and document all its violations of human rights

But like wasted lives in every genocide, these kids are lost.

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How dare someone feel negative emotional consequences for the awful things they've suffered. The only safe people are those who meekly accept and are never troubled by circumstances in life

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I've said it before and will repeat it until the end of time: Hillary was being way too kind when she used the word "deplorable." There will never be enough nor harsh enough words to describe these cruel, sadistic, hateful, heinously repugnant pieces of shit. I can't fully articulate the level of my anger and rage.

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I'm glad I'm infuriated. It means I'm not inured to this shit.

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Around lunchtime I was near a housing development on a golf course. There's a cafe there, where I've eaten before, and the food is pretty good. Unfortunately, there are also, you know, golfers. I kid, mostly, but damned if there wasn't some rich, white, overweight asshole wearing a proud to be a deplorable t-shirt. Fuckwit!

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Don't you get it.... a 15 year old white kid is an innocent child. A 15 year old brown kid is a potential thug.

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Of course. But there has to be more.

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Remember how we very strongly went after the chief creators and controllers of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo and all those "black sites" where we practiced Yoo Who?'s Euphemism favorite flavor of the month "enhanced interrogation" and the all the dirty Black Water killers hired by Erik bro Of Betsy and, and, and...? Yeah I don't either.

That shitshow begat this one (and all the unprosecuted unnecessary wholly manufactured tragedies before it begat the Iraq and such as the Afghanistan shitshows) and so it's built-in that the real perpetrators of these horrors and injustices-- not the low level "only following orders" peons who take it in the shorts as a cover up for the real fucking criminals when the tiniest fraction of these fascist acts gets found out-- the real devils get a medal and a park named after them and never face any significant consequences except getting another freshly stolen teen heart shoved in their empty chest and an opportunity to paint facile self-portraits that include Ellen being chummy with the stumble bum muddle mouthed artist/murderer hisself.

Sooo -- 'Scuze me if I don't hold my breath that the current creeps in the whitehouse will face anything other than mild opprobrium for the traitorous and treasonous harm they have inflicted upon so many of us ands our brothers and sisters.

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Yup if you are a white kid from Texas who killed four people and injured nine while intoxicated it's "affluenza" you just get probation. A kid from a foreign country who is in a horrible environment fearing for his life, escaping to a country where he or she thinks they will be safe - totally betray them and try and send them back to where they will be likely killed. Good job USA.

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God that made me cry. Who with any sort of empathy would think anything than "OK that kid needs help"? Threatening to kill yourself isn't threatening to kill anyone else, although it would probably break the hearts of any family he had left.

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Once we had a large selection of the population who decided that torture was negotiable the US gave up any semblance of moral high ground.

Since then we've decided to swan dive into the morass of immorality.

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At this point? Not really. :(

Even if you could afford to go protest, too many other people can't.

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So now suicidality is a reason to deport people? That makes complete sense (not). -___-

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