um... might wanna check your math still.

while January 6th is indeed right around the corner... 2023 - 2021 still equals 2. not 3.

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On the one hand, I feel that you being there will raise the overall integrity of that department by a factor of one over (insert total number of DHS employees here). OTOH, they certainly must be aware of your presence on this here mommyblog and recipe hub (among other similarly unsavory sites too, I assume), and I worry that the upper-level muckety mucks might find it convenient to use you and any other kindred souls who may be in the dept. as future scapegoats, should the need arise.

Then again, maybe I'm just paranoid. Break a leg!

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Why does every year seem like it has taken five?

I was told that time would just fly by the older I got, but the inverse seems to be true.

I was also told there would be no maths.

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MTG says there would have been weapons there if she planned it. She also is referring to herself and the other most bug-fuck crazy members of the house as "The Five Families". Did she see the end of that movie? 80% mortality is not a thing normal people aspire to.

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It sounds like awkward stress laughter, not malicious laughter. They are young and discussing what they see as being counterintuitive to common sense. But they weren’t in charge. Someone had to clarify their understanding and track their progress on a potential threat with an attached ticking clock and an analyst who continuously kept ringing the alarm bell. Where was that person and what did they say/do to keep all these data collectors so quiet?

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I hope that 21 year old analyst moved on to a better job.

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If memory serves, wasn't the entire point of creating DHS in the first place was the intel failure leading the 9/11 and the determination that it must never happen again?

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So in the days leading up to the insurrection attempt, the DHS acted exactly the same as the FBI did in the weeks and months leading up to 9/11. Doesn't that totally defeat the purpose of the DHS?

I always thought trying to solve the problems associated with bureaucracy by adding another giant bureaucracy was a big mistake.

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Every single comment here should be a variation of that statement; there's nothing else to say.

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Well that's discouraging. Will heads roll???

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She is an idiot.

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Maybe they did. Wasn't she chatting with the Jan 6 commission?

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So they were wary of DOING THEIR JOBS???

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But - as Liz said - those terrorists were BROWN PEOPLE.

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She's been stalking people for two years.

She's not normal

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