as a side note one just up dooted you. name "Casual sex"

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He could play Mark Meadows in the inevitable Jan. 6 miniseries.

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Ed 209 on robot 🐾 paws? This is so messed up for so very many reasons.

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"The DHS press release didn't say whether its robot dogs would be able to wield kitchen knives."

Knives? I'm more concerned about the lasers that shoot out of their eyes, or the sharks they launch or the sharks that shoot lasers out of their eyes after being launched by a robot dog.

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Gross. Unfortunately, the only way to kill 'em off before they arrive is to pre-screen new commenters, which messes up many readers' ability to post at all. We do have a bunch of deputy mods who are able to delete them nearly as soon as they arrive, which cuts down on the spam. I will remind the reader-moderators to be vigilant!

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about 75% of posters who are not private have one to four botsfollowing them.I did a random sample on the last Post.

This alarms me, because by following a Wonk poster that poster's account is book marked now to the bot [you have one who is following you too]

Now at their leisure the bots can go through info on that poster.Maybe I am chicken little, but there is a chance that our Wonks may be being set up for a data harvesting of their information, or worst case financial fraud of some sort.{bots appear to be Russian]

Moderation or pre screening will not stop them, the bots are not posting directly.

Each Wonk Poster will have to check their Disqus accounts and deny that bot permission to follow them, or set their account to "private"

I dearly hope I am mistaking in what these bots are doing,but i have a duty to warn.

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You guys know that you're America, right? This things will be target practice for yahoos on day one.

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Dollars to doughnuts the robots will be hacked in 48 hours by Mexican middle school computer clubs.

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I should think you could take one of those things out with a well-aimed baseball bat. So yeah, a nuisance, but not The Terminator.

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Of course, understand that. I'm just providing a bit of more info.

Ghost Robotics' "limited autonomy" is akin to selecting a spot further down the road in Google Street View and going there. Boston Dynamics quadruped can be given a route on a map and do an entire guard patrol over terrain that it's never seen before. The thing is quite amazing.

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Ha! I missed this story- it’s been a busy week.I was the art director of that Black Mirror episode and did some of the design work on that little fucker. Still gives me the willies.

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Of course towns are where the robots should operate! Master Control has studied the problem and determined that 100% of all criminal activity is caused by humans, and humans are predominantly in the towns.

Once Autonomous Tactical Operators have been deployed to the towns, criminal activity in those areas should be reduced to statistically near 0%, with appropriate followup measures.

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Mandatory photo for all PKD mentions


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Pff, "reading everything" is so 2015

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It's shiny, exciting tech that lets you subdue inferiors? Buddy, they've already run actual field trials. Just very, very quietly, for only the most select group of observers. 'Actual' trials are a formality for later.

Why yes, that whole the IRS is going to start demanding face scans as of *this summer* article this morning has me feeling rather dystopic, why do you ask.

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